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Everything posted by Kr0nZ

  1. Has nothing to do with bibliocraft, its a bug in MFR. You can put many other types of liquid in it, such as resonant ender, liquid xp, molten metals, liquified redstone/glowstone, and it will treat it all like steam.
  2. You can enchant empty bottles in the mfr auto-enchanter to make bottles of enchanting. You can also use these bottle in a fluid transposer to extract to liquid and make immibis liquid xp, which is what I do.
  3. The Advanced Solar is from galaticraft right? If so you're probably experiencing a bug, there are quite a few bugs in galaticraft when converting to/from RF, where it can drastically multiply your power output. FYI your setup is converting whatever power the Advanced Solar produces to RF then to MJ.
  4. Edit: looks like it works fine(not using the button ofc.. do ppl actually use those?). just use imgur.. like a normal person. testing using tags
  5. Do you mean the broadcasting option included within vanilla minecraft? If so, its only included in the most recent 1.7.x's, there are some mods for 1.7.x but I dont think any official modpacks have been released yet. if you want to twitch broadcast then use one of the programs Munaus recommended
  6. Not sure if this will help but try starting your server with these parameters, I use this on my local server. -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=50 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -Xnoclassgc Among other things(which I wont pretend to know what exactly), it forces the java garbage collector to behave much more nicely with your memory.
  7. You could try remapping the keys using xmodmap and xev, both should come preinstalled in ubuntu. xev is used to display info about pressed keys, xmodmap is used to remap them. So for example the key information for [ and ] (the keys used to scroll through the morph menu) On my keyboard is: KeyRelease event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x3600001, root 0x80, subw 0x0, time 143727145, (-201,75), root:(393,391), state 0x0, keycode 34 (keysym 0x5b, bracketleft), same_screen YES, XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5b) "[" XFilterEvent returns: False KeyPress event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x3600001, root 0x80, subw 0x0, time 143727261, (-201,75), root:(393,391), state 0x0, keycode 35 (keysym 0x5d, bracketright), same_screen YES, XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5d) "]" XmbLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5d) "]" XFilterEvent returns: False What you would need to do is run xev from the terminal then press your 'ß' key, take note of the keycode. Then you can remap it using xmodmap (substitute 20 for the keycode of your 'ß' key) xmodmap -e "keycode 20 = bracketleft" This will only work for the current session, so if you reboot you will lose these changes. To make it work across reboots you need to export the changes to a file using: xmodmap -pke >~/.xmodmap Then to load your remaps at boot add the following line to the end of ~/.bashrc xmodmap .xmodmap
  8. If you just want to temporarily hide your name tag, you could always use invisibility potions.
  9. You can do it in v1.0.1, not sure when they removed it but you're right it doesn't work in newer versions.
  10. Just tested on 1.0.10b, and it does still work, perhaps you were still in creative mode.
  11. Im curious why you dont use a chronotyper to move babies from the breeder pens? Personally I just dont like having a grinder in the same pen as the parents, as even if you try to avoid using a mob counter, something bad could always happen and then you're left with no animals.
  12. It only accepts Liquid XP from immibis not from openblocks Immibis XP is collected from a LXP absorber, and LXP collector.
  13. I tested it in SP on 1.0.9c before I said that, as that's how I capture them on servers that ban the launcher (dupe glitch apparently). I have no other mods installed, so not sure why it wouldn't work for you, I dont think they would remove that.
  14. You can also shift-click the safari net on the villager and it will capture but not open its trade GUI. Also, if your fast enough, you can right click twice before its GUI opens.
  15. Your problem is you updated project red but the server you are trying to play on has not, thus the mod versions no longer match. If you want to play on public servers then you need to use the mod versions that are in the pack.
  16. Well I didn't actually look through the commits, just that I didn't have the problem anymore in 1.0.10b, and that issue seemed similar to what I was experiencing. Anyway, I dont really plan on making any huge/complicated auto-crafting systems, just something to craft some of the most common things I need, such as servos, machine frames, tesseract frames, conduits/duct, portable tanks, etc...
  17. meh, I probably should have tried the most recent modpack version first (im playing on a server that still on 1.0.9c), but I tried this out in 1.0.10b and I don't seem to get this problem. Also looking at the github issues page looks like this bug was reported and fixed almost 2 weeks ago So guess I'll just have to wait for my server to update, thnx anyway guys.
  18. So, Im trying to get some autocrafting setup using the project red pipes. However, I seem to run into a minor problem but not sure if its just a bug in the mod, or maybe my setup is just wonky. Looking around at what (little) info there is on these pipes it looks like they were mainly designed for use with the buildcraft autocrafting table, but I thought about trying to get it to work with the TE cyclic assembler. So basically I got 2 chests, 1 for my materials and 1 as a buffer for the cyclic assembler. The materials chest has a interface pipe with a item responder and a item broadcaster chip in it. The buffer chest has a crafting pipe with a crafting chip. I then have a itemduct on the buffer chest to extract recipe materials from the buffer into the assembler, it then ejects the crafted recipe back into the buffer chest which the crafting pipe then extracts and delivers it to my request pipe. This seems to work fine until I request less than the recipe outputs, such as a log makes 4 planks, I only request one plank. I will get the 1 plank delivered to my request pipe and the other 3 planks get sent to my materials chest. This would be fine except that now the crafting pipe wont let me craft again unless I break it and replace it. Image of my setup:
  19. Awesome! I was starting to wonder what was happening with the last test pack. May I also suggest blacklisting the openblocks luggage from the MFR autospawner? This is to prevent a dupe glitch, as per my post >here
  20. I figured out how to blacklist it, I was close with one of the names I tried before. I remembered that the '/cofh killall .' command will give the entity name of the entity it removed. Running the command after spawning in a luggage told me the entity name was 'OpenBlocks.Luggage' So I edited the config file "config/powercrystals/minefactoryreloaded/common.cfg" to read: # A comma-separated list of entity IDs (e.g.: CaveSpider,VillagerGolem,butterflyGE) to blacklist from the AutoSpawner. S:AutoSpawner.Blacklist=OpenBlocks.Luggage Now the autospawner wont spawn luggage. This should probably be added by default in the modpack before next release.
  21. Ahh indeed.. luggage can be caught in a net. I was doing it wrong. However MFR does have a config setting to blacklist spawning of certain entities with the auto-spawner, but I'm not certain how to find the entity id of the luggage. I did try some names I found, looking at the openblocks source on github, such as 'Luggage, EntityLuggage, openblocks.common.entity.entityluggage, entity.OpenBlocks.Luggage', but none of them seemed to block it from spawning.
  22. The luggage I can understand.. but why the project red backpacks? *edit* just tested this, I thought you mean't the luggage could be caught in a safari net, but I couldn't get that to work. So I'm guessing you mean mobs holding these items? then capturing them and spawning them? But in the one of the recent MFR updates, the one included in 1.10x, skyboy disabled mobs dropping held items after spawning them with a auto-spawner. So that doesn't work now either.
  23. *Looks at my local cracked bukkit(MCPC+) server, configured by only setting online-mode to false, that my roommate uses to play on since ATB got released* Sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about, Im actually amazed you on even able to turn on your computer let alone open up a web browser to post some incoherent ramblings on a internet website.
  24. why not just use a planter + harvester? Then you could make much larger tree farms.
  25. try updating optifine, I use 1.6.4_HD_U_D1 and I dont have this
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