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Dirt (1/9)



  1. problem solved i uploaded the mods one by one made some upgrades .. and it works ;D
  2. This error started after i updated the mods from calclavia and removed calclavia core having resonant and ue to the latest versions. any ideas why it hits me with this error? ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // I blame Dinnerbone. Time: 12/13/14 12:32 PM Description: Exception in server tick loop cpw.mods.fml.common.MissingModsException at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.sortModList(Loader.java:228) at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:491) at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:99) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:350) at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:69) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:445) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583) A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.6.4 Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 3.10.23-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 Java Version: 1.8.0_05, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 1748726592 bytes (1667 MB) / 2058354688 bytes (1963 MB) up to 2058354688 bytes (1963 MB) JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP v8.11 FML v6.4.49.965 Minecraft Forge 116 mods loaded, 116 mods active mcp{8.09} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (Tekkit.jar) Unloaded Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (Tekkit.jar) Unloaded BetterSprinting{v11} [Better Sprinting (core)] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded Micdoodlecore{} [Micdoodle8 Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded AppliedEnergistics-Core{rv14.finale3} [AppliedEnergistics Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded ImmibisMicroblocks{57.6.3} [Immibis's Microblocks] (immibis-microblocks-57.6.3.jar) Unloaded NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (notenoughitems Unloaded PowerCrystalsCore{1.1.8} [PowerCrystals Core] (powercrystalscore-1.1.8-9.jar) Unloaded OpenModsCore{@VERSION@} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded AppliedEnergistics{rv14.finale3} [Applied Energistics] (appeng-rv14-finale3-mc16x.jar) Unloaded AtomicScience{1.2.0} [Atomic Science] (atomic-science- Unloaded Autoutils{1.0.1} [Autoutils] (autoutils-1.6.4-1.0.1.jar) Unloaded Backpack{1.28.37} [Backpack] (backpack-1.28.37-1.6.x.jar) Unloaded BigReactors{0.3.0A} [Big Reactors] (bigreactors-0.3.0A.jar) Unloaded bspkrsCore{v5.3(1.6.4)} [bspkrsCore] (bspkrscorev5.3.zip) Unloaded BuildCraft|Builders{4.2.2} [BC Builders] (BUILDCRAFT-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Core{4.2.2} [BuildCraft] (BUILDCRAFT-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Energy{4.2.2} [BC Energy] (BUILDCRAFT-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Factory{4.2.2} [BC Factory] (BUILDCRAFT-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Silicon{4.2.2} [BC Silicon] (BUILDCRAFT-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Transport{4.2.2} [BC Transport] (BUILDCRAFT-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded Additional-Buildcraft-Objects{} [Additional Buildcraft Objects] (buildcraft-Z-additional-buildcraft-objects- Unloaded CarpentersBlocks{2.0.8} [Carpenter's Blocks] (carpentersblocks v2.0.8 - MC 1.6+.zip) Unloaded ChickenChunks{} [ChickenChunks] (ChickenChunks Unloaded CoFHCore{} [CoFH Core] (cofhcore- Unloaded CoFHLoot{} [CoFH Loot] (cofhcore- Unloaded CoFHMasquerade{} [CoFH Masquerade] (cofhcore- Unloaded CoFHSocial{} [CoFH Social] (cofhcore- Unloaded CoFHWorld{} [CoFH World] (cofhcore- Unloaded CCTurtle{1.58} [ComputerCraft Turtles] (ComputerCraft1.58.zip) Unloaded ComputerCraft{1.58} [ComputerCraft] (ComputerCraft1.58.zip) Unloaded DimensionalAnchors{57.1.95} [Dimensional Anchors] (dimensional-anchor-57.1.95.jar) Unloaded dimdoors{1.6.4-R2.2.3} [Dimensional Doors] (dimensionaldoors-2.2.3-336.jar) Unloaded EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (EnderStorage Unloaded EE3{0.1} [Equivalent Exchange 3] (equivalentexchange3-1.6.4-0.1.140.jar) Unloaded extracells{1.6.9e} [ExtraCells] (ExtraCells-1.6.9e.jar) Unloaded ExtraUtilities{1.0.3c} [Extra Utilities] (extrautils-1.0.3c.zip) Unloaded GalacticraftCore{2.0.12} [Galacticraft Core] (galacticraft-1.6.4- Unloaded GalacticraftMars{2.0.12} [Galacticraft Mars] (galacticraft-planets-1.6.4- Unloaded GregsLighting{1.9.1} [Greg's Lighting] (GregsLighting-1.9.1-mc1.6.4.jar) Unloaded ImmibisCore{57.1.94} [Immibis Core] (immibis-core-57.1.94.jar) Unloaded inventorytweaks{1.56} [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-MC1.6.2-1.56-b77.jar) Unloaded IronChest{} [Iron Chest] (ironchest-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded LogisticsPipes|Main{0.7.4.dev.205} [Logistics Pipes] (logisticspipes-mc1.6.4-0.7.4.dev.205.jar) Unloaded MFR Compat Forestry Trees{1.0} [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MFR Compat Extra Trees{1.0} [MFR Compat Extra Trees] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MineFactory Reloaded] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Atum] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: BackTools] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Chococraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Forestry] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2)] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: IC2] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat ProjectRed] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Railcraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: RP2] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: Vanilla] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft{1.6.4R2.7.8} [MFR Compat: XyCraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.7.8-482.jar) Unloaded MFFS{3.6.3} [Modular Force Field System] (Modular-Force-Field-System- Unloaded powersuits{0.10.0-91} [MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits] (modularpowersuits-1.6.4-0.10.0-91.jar) Unloaded Mystcraft{} [Mystcraft] (mystcraft-uni-1.6.4- Unloaded NEIPlugins{} [NEI Plugins] (neiplugins- Unloaded NetherOres{1.6.2R2.2.2} [Nether Ores] (netherores-2.2.2-55.jar) Unloaded numina{0.1.2-55} [Numina] (numina-1.6.2-0.1.2-55.jar) Unloaded OpenBlocks{1.2.9} [OpenBlocks] (OpenBlocks-1.2.9.jar) Unloaded OCS{} [OpenCCSensors] (OPENCCSENSORS- Unloaded OpenMods{0.5.1} [OpenMods] (OpenModsLib-0.5.1.jar) Unloaded OpenPeripheral{0.1.3} [OpenPeripheralAddons] (openperipheraladdons-0.1.3.jar) Unloaded OpenPeripheralCore{0.3.3} [OpenPeripheralCore] (openperipheralcore-0.3.3.jar) Unloaded powersuitaddons{@VERSION@} [Andrew's Modular Powersuits Addons] (powersuitaddons-1.6.4-884.jar) Unloaded bau5_ProjectBench{1.8.0} [Project Bench] (ProjectBench-1.6.2-v1.8.0.jar) Unloaded ProjRed|Core{} [ProjectRed] (ProjectRedBase-1.6.4- Unloaded ProjRed|Compatibility{} [ProjectRed-Compatibility] (ProjectRedCompat-1.6.4- Unloaded ProjRed|Integration{} [ProjectRed-Integration] (ProjectRedIntegration-1.6.4- Unloaded ProjRed|Transmission{} [ProjectRed-Transmission] (ProjectRedIntegration-1.6.4- Unloaded ProjRed|Illumination{} [ProjectRed-Illumination] (ProjectRedLighting-1.6.4- Unloaded ProjRed|Expansion{} [ProjectRed-Expansion] (ProjectRedMechanical-BETA-1.6.4- Unloaded ProjRed|Transportation{} [ProjectRed-Transportation] (ProjectRedMechanical-BETA-1.6.4- Unloaded ProjRed|Exploration{} [ProjectRed-Exploration] (ProjectRedWorld-1.6.4- Unloaded QuarryPlus{2.0-RC7} [QuarryPlus] (QuarryPlus-1.6.4-2.0-RC7.jar) Unloaded YogpstopLib{2.0-RC7} [Yogpstop Library] (QuarryPlus-1.6.4-2.0-RC7.jar) Unloaded Redstone Arsenal{} [Redstone Arsenal] (RedstoneArsenal- Unloaded JAKJ_RedstoneInMotion{} [Redstone In Motion] (redstoneinmotion_2.3.0.0_mc1.6.zip) Unloaded ResonantEngine{@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@} [ResonantEngine] (Resonant-Engine- Unloaded ResonantInduction|Archaic{0.3.1} [Resonant Induction Archaic] (Resonant-Induction- Unloaded ResonantInduction|Atomic{0.3.1} [Resonant Induction Atomic] (Resonant-Induction- Unloaded ResonantInduction|Electrical{0.3.1} [Resonant Induction Electrical] (Resonant-Induction- Unloaded ResonantInduction|Mechanical{0.3.1} [Resonant Induction Mechanical] (Resonant-Induction- Unloaded ResonantInduction|Core{0.3.1} [Resonant Induction] (Resonant-Induction- Core.jar) Unloaded simplyjetpacks{0.1.4} [Simply Jetpacks] (simplyjetpacks-0.1.4.jar) Unloaded SpawnCommands{2.0.0} [SpawnCommands] (SpawnCommands-v2.0.0-mc1.6.4-forge.zip) Unloaded StevesCarts{2.0.0.b10} [Steve's Carts 2] (stevescarts2.0.0.b10.zip) Unloaded ThermalExpansion{} [Thermal Expansion] (thermalexpansion- Unloaded TreeCapitator{Forge 1.6.4.r09} [Treecapitator] (TREECAPITATOR.FORGE.1.6.4.R09.UNIVERSAL.zip) Unloaded UniversalElectricity{3.1.0} [Universal Electricity] (Universal-Electricity- Unloaded Vending{1.1.1} [Vending] (vending-1.6.4-1.1.1.jar) Unloaded Waila{1.5.2a} [Waila] (waila_1.5.2a.zip) Unloaded weaponmod{1.6.2 v1.13.5} [Balkon's WeaponMod] (WeaponMod.zip) Unloaded WR-CBE|Addons{} [WR-CBE Addons] (WR-CBE Unloaded WR-CBE|Core{} [WR-CBE Core] (WR-CBE Unloaded WR-CBE|Logic{} [WR-CBE Logic] (WR-CBE Unloaded ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
  3. Hello, i've just finished my first deuterium reactor got 10k deuterim in the core.. with a bunch of funnels all around where is water. pumping steam out using liquiducts tu a 3x3 turbine thing. yet the turbine is moving very slow and i have no idea why any good video tutorial on how to build one or .. any advices how should i make it to run very fast? i've seen a mod spot light on youtube about atomic science ( first video in the list ) and the guy there had his turbines moving very fast.
  4. sometimes is good to have an up to date software :-) better performance. my tekkit lite keeps my laptop a bit warm yet tekkit on 1.6.4 barely warms it. :-)
  5. since java 8 is out there .. and is better than java 7 with a bunch of fixes and stuff.. oracle promotes java 8 when go on their website to download java they give you version 8 .. you need to go on oracle website and download from there the installer from the archieves.. :-) otherwise you might get stuck with 8 :-) and you will have no ideea.. why your tekkit .. // minecraft doesn't work
  6. got it guys :-) . thank you very much for taking time and answering.
  7. i see.. i loved playing tekkit lite but .. since i have a new friend to play with .. he wasn't more and more stuff on the server so we decided to move onto tekkit and i was last night like where is the mj ?? where is the eu .. btw for mfe / mfsu which is the alternative here ? i've seen in a presentation now some energy cells that store energy .. ? are those the only solution . ?
  8. Is there a way in tekkit to remote send mj ( like in tekkit lite ) or remote eu .. ? i've seen i have rf energy.. but i dunno how to really use it .. can you guys please help me .. i want to start putting some quarries in mystcraft
  9. 15.08 17:48:49 [Server] SEVERE The world e50924d (world) has leaked. 15.08 17:48:49 [Server] SEVERE The world 3734dda2 (world) has leaked. 15.08 17:48:49 [Server] SEVERE Detected leaking worlds in memory. There are 4 worlds that appear to be persisting. A mod is likely caching the world incorrectly 15.08 17:48:48 [Server] INFO Unloading dimension -23 15.08 17:48:48 [Server] INFO Unloading dimension 1 15.08 17:47:59 [Server] INFO Loading NEI 15.08 17:47:59 [Server] INFO Block ID list parsing complete. 15.08 17:47:59 [Server] INFO Parsing Tree Block Config string: <Forestry.log4>,3; <Forestry.log4>,7; <Forestry.log4>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID> ! <Forestry.log1>,2; <Forestry.log1>,6; <Forestry.log1>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log1>,1; <Forestry.log1>,5; <Forestry.log1>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log2>,2; <Forestry.log2>,6; <Forestry.log2>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log2>,0; <Forestry.log2>,4; <Forestry.log2>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 1; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 5; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 9|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,0 ! <Forestry.log1>,3; <Forestry.log1>,7; <Forestry.log1>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log2>,3; <Forestry.log2>,7; <Forestry.log2>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <DivineRPG.eucalyptus>|18 ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,2; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 6; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 10|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,1 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID> ! <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>|<ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>; <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID> ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,3; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 7; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 11|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,2 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log2>,1; <Forestry.log2>,5; <Forestry.log2>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,3; 17,7; 17,11; 17,15|18,3 ! 17,1; 17,5; 17,9; 17,13|18,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.autumnleaves.id> ! <Forestry.log4>,0; <Forestry.log4>,4; <Forestry.log4>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log3>,1; <Forestry.log3>,5; <Forestry.log3>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 248|249 ! 17,0; 17,4; 17,8; 17,12; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog0.id>,2; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog1.id>,2; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog2.id>,2; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog3.id>,2;|18,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.autumnleaves.id>; <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID> ! <TwilightForest.Log>,3; <TwilightForest.Log>,7; <TwilightForest.Log>,11; <TwilightForest.Log>,15|<TwilightForest.Hedge>,1 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID> ! <TwilightForest.Log>,1; <TwilightForest.Log>,5; <TwilightForest.Log>,9; <TwilightForest.Log>,13|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,2 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> ! <TwilightForest.Log>,2; <TwilightForest.Log>,6; <TwilightForest.Log>,10; <TwilightForest.Log>,14|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID> ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,0; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,4; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,8|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,1 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.Log>,12|<TwilightForest.Leaves>,0; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11 ! <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8 ! <Flora Trees.Redwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,0 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log3>,3; <Forestry.log3>,7; <Forestry.log3>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log3>,0; <Forestry.log3>,4; <Forestry.log3>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <ExtrabiomesXL.customlog.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog0.id>,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog1.id>,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog2.id>,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog3.id>,1|<ExtrabiomesXL.greenleaves.id>,0 ! 3122|3123 ! 243|242 ! 100,10; 100,15|100,1; 100,2; 100,3; 100,4; 100,5; 100,6; 100,7; 100,8; 100,9; 100,14 ! <Forestry.log4>,1; <Forestry.log4>,5; <Forestry.log4>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 99,10; 99,15|99,1; 99,2; 99,3; 99,4; 99,5; 99,6; 99,7; 99,8; 99,9; 99,14 ! 17,2; 17,6; 17,10; 17,14|18,2; <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log4>,2; <Forestry.log4>,6; <Forestry.log4>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12|<TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8 ! <ExtrabiomesXL.customlog.id>,1|<ExtrabiomesXL.greenleaves.id>,2 ! <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog0.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog1.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog2.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog3.id>,0|<ExtrabiomesXL.greenleaves.id>,1 15.08 17:47:59 [Server] INFO Loading DimDoors data 15.08 17:47:59 [Server] Startup Done (1.541s)! For help, type "help" or "?" 15.08 17:47:59 [Server] INFO Preparing spawn area: 91% 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 0 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Loading DimDoors data 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Registering Pocket Dims 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Loading dimension -1 (world) (ho@1482e39a) 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 1 (world) (ho@1482e39a) 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Loading dimension -23 (world) (ho@1482e39a) 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Loading dimension 0 (world) (ho@1482e39a) 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Preparing level "world" 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 75 mods 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] WARNING NEIPlugins is client-side only mod 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Loaded RP2 World addon 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: biofuel 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: mobEssence 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: sewage 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: sludge 15.08 17:47:58 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: milk 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Loaded ThermalExpansion Proxy 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Loaded Thaumcraft DummyProxy 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Loaded CCTurtleProxy 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Loaded IC2Proxy 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Loaded Forestry DummyProxy 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] SEVERE [AppEng] GregTech Integration Disabled. 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: Steam 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Loaded minor compatibility modules: none 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO BuildCraft 3.2 integration module loaded 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] WARNING BuildCraft integration: Railcraft integration not loaded: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: railcraft/common/api/core/items/ItemRegistry 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration32x 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Buildcraft Triggers Registered: 8 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO ID Resolver (Mod ID "IDResolver") is not loaded. 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Getting Block ID Lists from 3rd party mod configs... 15.08 17:47:56 [Server] INFO Bypassed Forge chunk limits 15.08 17:47:55 [Server] INFO [BalkonsWeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully! 15.08 17:47:55 [Server] INFO Extracting /././mods/OCSLua/lua/ 15.08 17:47:55 [Server] INFO OpenCCSensors version 0.1.4b starting 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING XyCraft missing - MFR Xycraft Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Twilight Forest missing - MFR Twilight Forest Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Thaumcraft missing - MFR Thaumcraft Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Sufficient Biomes missing - MFR Sufficient Biomes Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING SoulShards missing - MFR SoulShards Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: coolant 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: Fuel 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: Lava 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: Liquid Black Dye 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: Oil 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: Water 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Forestry missing - MFR Forestry Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO The mod MFReloaded is overwriting existing item at 79 (akr from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.decorative.ItemBlockVanillaIce 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO The mod MFReloaded is overwriting existing item at 102 (amp from Minecraft) with vq 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] SEVERE [AppEng] Starting Applied Energistics 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] INFO [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdates: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] INFO [AdvancedPowerManagement] Advanced Power Management 1.1.55-IC2_1.112 loaded. 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] INFO Loading CCTurtle v1.5 (rev 887) 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] INFO ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib and methods located. 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] INFO ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib... 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] INFO Loading ComputerCraft v1.5 (rev 887) 15.08 17:47:53 [Server] WARNING Error retrieving remote string value! Defaulting to [Ljava.lang.String;@3b6dba59 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] INFO Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod bspkrsCore 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] WARNING To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file. 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] WARNING While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose. 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] WARNING The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware. 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] WARNING **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE! 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] INFO Starting Minecraft server on 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] INFO Generating keypair 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] INFO Default game type: SURVIVAL 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] INFO Loading properties 15.08 17:47:52 [Server] INFO Fluid registration: Liquid Black Dye 15.08 17:47:51 [Server] INFO Remote version check disabled, skipping 15.08 17:47:49 [Server] WARNING Version Check Failed: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57416963/Minecraft/OmniTools/version.txt 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] WARNING Version Check Failed: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57416963/Minecraft/ThermalExpansion/version.txt 15.08 17:47:48 [Multicraft] Skipped 36 lines due to rate limit (30/s) 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotLead'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotIron'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotInvar'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotGold'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotElectrum'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotCopper'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotBronze'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotBrass'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustTin'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustSulfur'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustSilver'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustPlatinum'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustObsidian'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustNikolite'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustNickel'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustLead'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustIron'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustInvar'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustGold'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustElectrum'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustCopper'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustCoal'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustClay'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustBronze'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustBrass'. 15.08 17:47:48 [Server] INFO [Whitelist] Reading established Whitelist from file. 15.08 17:47:47 [Server] INFO Beginning version check 15.08 17:47:47 [Server] INFO http://www.mod-buildcraft.com 15.08 17:47:47 [Server] INFO Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011 15.08 17:47:47 [Server] INFO Starting BuildCraft 3.4.3 (:16) 15.08 17:47:45 [Server] INFO Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod TreeCapitator 15.08 17:47:45 [Server] INFO File block config loaded. 15.08 17:47:45 [Server] INFO Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0 15.08 17:47:43 [Server] INFO This is Factorization 0.7.21 15.08 17:47:43 [Multicraft] Skipped 49 lines due to rate limit (30/s) 15.08 17:47:41 [Server] INFO Activating mod MFReloaded|CompatSoulShards Hey guys i have this dump from the server and i was wondering .. if everything with the server is fine because i've seen around there few things that rised interest. 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING Forestry missing - MFR Forestry Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] WARNING ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO The mod MFReloaded is overwriting existing item at 79 (akr from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.decorative.ItemBlockVanillaIce 15.08 17:47:54 [Server] INFO The mod MFReloaded is overwriting existing item at 102 (amp from Minecraft) with vq 15.08 17:48:49 [Server] SEVERE The world e50924d (world) has leaked. 15.08 17:48:49 [Server] SEVERE The world 3734dda2 (world) has leaked. 15.08 17:48:49 [Server] SEVERE Detected leaking worlds in memory. There are 4 worlds that appear to be persisting. A mod is likely caching the world incorrectly 15.08 17:48:48 [Server] INFO Unloading dimension -23 15.08 17:48:48 [Server] INFO Unloading dimension 1 Any ideas... ?
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