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Back To Classic - The Tekkit Classic Remake [Current version = 1.0.8]


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This is a remake of the Tekkit Classic pack which never got updated.
Most of the mods will be the same, with only a very few additions (Opis and Admins commands toolbox)
A few features are currently missing (Redpowers item transport system) but else most things are the same.
Some mods have chanced (Industrialcraft 2) but contains mostly the same features.
Some mods have been replaced with other mods that attempts to reproduce the same features (ProjectE instead of EE2 and ProjectRed instead of Redpower 2)
Redpower's frames has been replaced with Funky Locomotion
The modpack can be found here: Back to Classic
A few EMC values has been changed to avoid infinite loops like the Blaze Rod -> Blaze Power -> Blaze Rod.
Also some additional values has been added to allow for more things to be exchanged. At some point IC2 will also get their items added, but that will be later on.
Some configs has been changed to make the game a little more fair.
Right now the pack is in easy mode, so you shouldn't have a problem surviving.
The modlist is pretty much final, with only updates happening, so you can play away in your world without having to worry about finding new chunks.
The complete modlist is:


Blue Power
CoFH Core
CodeChicken Core
Compact Solar Arrays
Inventory Tweaks
NEI Plugins Unofficial
Nether Ores
Not Enough Items
Thermal Foundation
Advanced Machines
Dimensional Anchors
Funky Locomotion
Immibis Core
IndustrialCraft 2
Iron Chest
Balkon's WeaponMod

Naturally I have permission for every mod:

AdminCommandsToolbox(act) by ProfMobius

At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/221584-admin-commands-toolbox
Permissions are Open

Blue Power(bluepower) by Quetzi, Zness, MineMaarten, K4Unl, Amadornes
At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/223099-blue-power
Permissions are Open

CoFH Core(CoFHCore) by Team CoFH
At http://teamcofh.com/
Permissions are Open

CodeChicken Core(CodeChickenCore) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

Compact Solar Arrays(CompactSolars) by cpw
At http://forum.industrial-craft.net/?page=Thread&threadID=4827
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EnderStorage(EnderStorage) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

Inventory Tweaks(inventorytweaks) by Jimeo Wan, Kobata
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1720872-162-inventory-tweaks-156-august-21/
Permissions are Open

MobiusCore(MobiusCore) by ProfMobius
At http://profmobius.blogspot.com/
Permissions are Open

NEI Plugins Unofficial(NEIPlugins) by mistaqur
At https://bitbucket.org/mistaqur/nei_plugins/wiki/Home
Permissions are Open

Nether Ores(NetherOres) by PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1292152-powercrystals-mods-minefactoryreloaded
Permissions are Open

Not Enough Items(NotEnoughItems) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

OpenComputers(OpenComputers) by Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed to the mod on Github - thank you!
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1293018-opencomputers-v1-3-3
Permissions are Open

Opis(Opis) by ProfMobius
At http://profmobius.blogspot.fr/
Permissions are Open

ProjectE(ProjectE) by Moze_Intel
At https://github.com/MozeIntel/ProjectE
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed(ProjRed|Core) by MrTJP, ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Compatibility(ProjRed|Compatibility) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Transmission(ProjRed|Transmission) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Illumination(ProjRed|Illumination) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Expansion(ProjRed|Expansion) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Exploration(ProjRed|Exploration) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

Railcraft(Railcraft) by CovertJaguar
At http://www.railcraft.info/
Permissions are Open

Thermal Foundation(ThermalFoundation) by Team CoFH
At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/222880-thermal-foundation
Permissions are Open

WR-CBE Core(WR-CBE|Core) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

YAMPST(yampst) by bilde2910, Commador
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2091766-yampst-ultimate-statistics-tool-for-mod-packs
Permissions are Open

Advanced Machines(AdvancedMachines) by immibis
At http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=9335&pageNo=1
Permissions are Open

BuildCraft(BuildCraft|Core) by SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team
At http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/
Permissions are Open

Dimensional Anchors(DimensionalAnchors) by immibis
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1281065-immibiss-mods-now-with-85-7-less-version-numbers
Permissions are Open

Funky Locomotion(funkylocomotion) by RWTema
At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224190-funky-locomotion
Permissions are Open

Immibis Core(ImmibisCore) by immibis
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1001131-164-immibiss-mods-smp-now-with-857-less-version-numbers-in-this-title/
Permissions are Open

IndustrialCraft 2(IC2) by Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elementalist, Feanturi, Lurch1985, SirusKing, tahu44
At http://www.industrial-craft.net/
Permissions are Open

Iron Chest(IronChest) by cpw
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/981855-15-and-up-forge-universalironchests-50-minecraft-15-update/
Permissions are Open

Liteloader(com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker) by Mumfrey
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1868280-172api-liteloader-for-minecraft-172/
Permissions are Open

Tubestuff(Tubestuff) by immibis
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1281065-immibiss-mods-now-with-85-7-less-version-numbers
Permissions are Open

Balkon's WeaponMod(weaponmod) by BalkondeurAlpha
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/211517-
Permissions are Open

MrTJPCore(mrtjpcore) by MrTJP
At https://github.com/MrTJP/MrTJPCore
Permissions are Unknown
MrTJP has given permission as seen here: '>

eu.ha3.mc.matmos(eu.ha3.mc.matmos) by Hurricaaane
At http://ha3.eu/minecraft-moved.html?mc-mods/matmos.php
Permissions are Open

watson(watson) by totemo
At https://github.com/totemo/watson
Permissions are Unknown
totemo has given permission as seen here: '>

wecui(wecui) by Mumfrey
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1292886-worldeditcui
Permissions are Open

Open permission meaning that they can freely be used in modpacks.

Some very cool guys decided to do videos with the modpack. Should you wish to see them they can be found here:


Edited by Zlepper
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  • 4 weeks later...

Could you add power convertors so that IC2 and build craft powers are interchangeable? I've already added it to mine and it works but would be nice not to have to add it after each update myself.


Here's the link http://jamesmckay.id.au:8080/job/Power%20Converters/lastSuccessfulBuild/


Also i was thinking rei's minimap would be better than the one you currently have installed.


I have added computercraft to mine as well and not had any errors, is there a reason you have open computers instead?

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Could you add power convertors so that IC2 and build craft powers are interchangeable? I've already added it to mine and it works but would be nice not to have to add it after each update myself.


Here's the link http://jamesmckay.id.au:8080/job/Power%20Converters/lastSuccessfulBuild/

Acording to the amount of crash logs I recieved, then I don't think it will work.


Also i was thinking rei's minimap would be better than the one you currently have installed.

Personally I don't like Rei's. And mapwriter is already a part of opis, therefor it's easier to just bundle them up.


I have added computercraft to mine as well and not had any errors, is there a reason you have open computers instead?

Opencomputers gets updated more. And primarily it works with far more mods, and not just runs, but actually interacts with them.

For a higher compitality in ComputerCraft you would need OpenPeripherals, which hasn't been updated yet.

Edited by Zlepper
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