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North Texas AOTBT 1st Server needing new players (Mature 18+, PVP, No Griefing)

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Minecraft name? rockhog
What country do you live in? USA
Do you have Skype? Yes, it is robertwagner98
Do you upload to Youtube? Channel? I haven't uploaded in a long time, but maybe I could start recording again. No promises though.
Age? I am 15, but my birthday is on the 25th. I know I'm not 18, but I'm really mature for a kid with autism and other things.
Acceptance of server rules? I agree with all the rules, and think they are great. I hate people stealing/griefing as well as spamming/advertising. Also hackers/glitchers just ruin the fun of any game for me.
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Added you to my second server....

IP Address:

you should be good to go now on that server... please send me an email address through the system here so I can send  you email bulletins...


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  • 3 months later...

Good to go. Please use the email system here and send me your email address. I will add you to the weekly email bulletin.


Server IP Address: aotbt.minecraft-mafia.net:37011





Minecraft name? stefonio

What country do you live in? USA

Do you have Skype? stefonio

Do you upload to Youtube? Channel? I don't plan on it. I don't have the resources to do so while enjoying the game

Age? 18

Acceptance of server rules? Yes


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Good to go. Please use the email system here and send me your email address. I will add you to the weekly email bulletin.


Server IP Address: aotbt.minecraft-mafia.net:37011



Minecraft Name: Faceless_joker

Country: USA

Skype? No

Youtube? No

Age: 30

Acceptance of Server Rules? i agree

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For new players looking to sign up.... Please go to the forum post   "TEXAS MINECRAFT MAFIA presents Attack of the BTEAM....".   That is the new posting for our server..This one is very old and no longer monitored...



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