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Go to the Nether ... get echos from the past


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I have started to experience a rather weird behaviour I cannot explain.


Every time I return from the nether I see avatars of myself or my friends frozen on that position they used to be when I disconnected. With every trip to the nether I add another bunch of avatars which appear there. When I relog I do not see them anymore, but after the next trip to the nether they are back (in force and with more and more backups). 

It is not causing lag or anything, its not crashing the server, its just a weird graphics glitch.

What keeps me wondering is that some of these positions are days old by now and the avatars still appear.


I am running a 1.0.12a server (no further modifications) and the netherportal is an upgraded Enhanced Portal 2 with dimensional and dialing upgrade.


Has anybody else noticed that? I do not have a problem with it (at least not yet ... and so far I haven't noticed one building up) and the effect is somewhat creepy cool (feeling like those star trek parallel universe episodes), but I am curious whether someone can report from the same incidents and whether it influenced his gameplay.

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Interesting. I never noticed it happen in any of the BTeam Videos so far (except I think once when Keralis doubled up on the moon).

If it is the morph then it must be the mod itself and not being in morph since I rarely morph anymore since I have pumped myself up with countless genes *G*

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Hmmm. Now they are all gone. I restarted the server yesterday and that erased all the ghostimages. I thought it would be a client issues, but it seems to be connected to the server.


These ghosting entities do seem to stem from EP2, but theres a lot that is still unknown on why they appear to begin with, originaly it was thought due to morph being used with ep2 (as it seems to drop your entity and re-create an entire new one) but that has since been changed to believe it is just due to EP2. These ghosting entities can often be cleared on the client side by relogging but if that fails, restarting the server will work. Failing it work with either options would be an entirely new issue (though may be related)

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I bet someone is just trolling you with statues xD on this subject we really need to dump EP2, is there any reason they went for it over EP3 or something more stable? I notice quite a lot of issues with EP2 and a lot of console errors every time it's used plus I have to do a portal clean up a few times a day due to players bugging out inside their portals which keeps kicking them until it's deleted :(

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Hehehe, now this would really be something *G*, but those statues would have been easily recognisable, but I walked right through them and didn't get the WAILA input.


So far stuff works and except for that ghosting (which hasn't occurred yet again) nothing happenend.


So back to my own "Deathchamber of DEATH!!!" and finally get done what the mighty generikb showed us ;D

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