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Whitelisted AOTBT Server | 10Slots | [24/7]

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Hello Community!


I'm still searching for people who want to play on my Attack of the Bteam Server. At the moment we are 3 active guys on the server. But we have ten slots and still space for you. We are all from germany but we speak english too. It's a simple survival server only with the vanilla mods and NO PlugIns. I only want, that you play fair and that you dont grief. You can build where you want, you can use every mod you want. Do what you want to do. If you want to join, fill the points below:









favourite modpack:


Why do you want to join ?:

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IGN: Luka_Ruso


age: 13


language: Georgian, english, russian


favourite modpack: Attack of the b-team


Why do you want to join ?:because i like playing with friendly people and i like this modpack and i prefer private servers than public servers because u can do more thing there

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IGN: Scienceguy2002


age: 14


language: English (but I speak a little German too)


Favorite modpack: I really like Hexxit, but AotBT is my favorite


Why do you want to join?: I just want to find a small community to play AotBT with. Its rare to find a server here that still accepts people!


Hoffe, dass ich mitmachen kann!


thanks! -Garbonzo

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IGN: tmoleary

Age: 15

Language: English

Favorite Modpack: Attack of the B-team

Why do you want to join? I want to play on a small server with just a few people and be able to do what i want with the mods in the modpack (Within reason). I also want to play with my friend Scienceguy

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IGN: Rustybair642


age: 17


language: English


favourite modpack: atobt, or monster ftb


Why do you want to join ? Im trying to find a server where i can play with people and have fun. Havent played on one in a while so i wanna get back into the game

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IGN: Killer212 (Prefer to be called Shadow)


age: 16 (Mature)


language: English


favourite modpack: Attack of the B-Team


Why do you want to join ?: The last server I was on was really bad. No one was friendly, people griefed, stole, all of that. I want to play on a server with people who know what they are doing, and will be friendly. I'm a friendly person myself and would help any who ask for it.


Thank you for your consideration,


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IGN: ryanp093


age: 17


language: English


Favorite modpack: B-Team baby!


Why do you want to join ?: I would like to join the server, because i want to join a mature group of people playing a modpack. I absolutely love this modpack and every server I join has immature 9 year olds on it.

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IGN: sluggerjv2

Language: English

Age: 15

Favorite Modpack: Hexxit or AotBT

Why I want to join: I want to join this server because I like small servers rather than big ones and I like meeting new people, I'm nice and very considerate, I respond to almost every single message sent to me and I help wherever help is needed

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IGN: GiantMidget27


age: 17




favourite mod: AOTBT


Why do you want to join ?:I love AOTBT but it gets boring at single player therefore i want to play multiplier but all public servers lag and have childish community 

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IGN - rayquaza125


age - 13


language - English


favorite mod pack - hmmmmm uhhh ATTACK OF THE B TEAM of course!!


I want to join cause I enjoy small focused servers that don't allow griefin' or stealin'

Bad ex: Forsaken

Good ex: This one!

Single player drives me crazy cause I cant share my accomplishments to myself now can I?

I would love to join this and make new friends and partners in the wonderful world of Minecraft!

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IGN: JorisOppa


age: 20


language: Dutch, English, tiny bit French and German. 


favourite modpack: Attack of the B Team.


Why do you want to join ?: Because I want to join a small community server similar to Mindcrack/Hermitcraft. And since you guys are from Germany this server seems nice  because then it's not like when I'm awake the others sleep. (Belgian).

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IGN: TheMCmap


age: 13 (Mature)


language: English


favourite modpack: Attack of the BTeam


Why do you want to join ?: I love small community's where there are no griefers and people get along.

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IGN: IHITYOUFIRST (disregard the name I made it when I was around 11)

age: 15

language: English

favourite modpack: My favourite mod pack is Attack of the b team :)

Why do you want to join ?: I've been wanting to play on a small friendly server for so long and I hope I have finaly found my match I hope you consider alowing me to be in the server thank you so much

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IGN: ProMCGamer_

age: 14

language: Turkish, English (and learning German)

favourite modpack: AotBT and CrackPack

Why do you want to join ?: I've played on a AotBT server before and it was super fun! Then it shut down and I started playing singleplayer, but it's not as fun as playing multiplayer. I would like to play on a small, friendly server again.

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