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Posts posted by CParish

  1. I think tekkit might get more mods now that they are all becoming compatible (just speculating), and I would love to see mystcraft in tekkit now that they made the ages unload when you leave. I assume tekkit will still be different because of the addition of bukkit, giving server admins the plugins they sometimes need to run things orderly. I didn't stay up with the news on mc port central about the 1.4 forgebukkit news (thanks for the info). I'm glad they have some smart people to figure it out.

    While you could run a SSP game across the internet (I just did that yesterday), without bukkit and the permission plugins you'd probably need to keep it to people you trust.

  2. So I've been wondering something. In the past, people would always describe Tekkit in terms of Technic, that is Technic is the big full version where Tekkit has mods removed for multiplayer compatibility and balancing reasons.

    Now that Bukkit is no longer an option for Tekkit and both mod packs are moving toward 1.4, I'm wondering what the future difference between them will be. In 1.3 on, all of the mods have to support multiplayer given the full time client-server architecture of Minecraft, but has there been any official statement on what mods previously excluded are being considered for the next version Tekkit?

    It seems that the only difference necessary now is the exclusion of mods that will make multiplayer play unbalanced as many of the previously SSP only mods have been ported to 1.4.

    I'm not asking for an ETA or anything like that, I am just curious if there was any official news or development roadmap about how the new Tekkit will look compared to Technic that I may have missed.

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