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Posts posted by TheBytemaster

  1. As having to bother with the knowledge of whetether or not you are visible is considered a cost, you forget you are invisibla and are run over by a truck.

    I wish I could have noclip IRL.

    You get noclip, and are promptly sucked down through the ground until you reach the center of the world. Because you cannot touch anything, you cannot escape.

    I wish for a paradox created by a paradox that was murdered by its future self.

  2. Hi guys,

    So i've completed updated my PC today, and given it 8GB ram rather than the 2GB I had before. I loaded up the technic launcher, clicked options and the maximum memory option it gives me is 1gb? Can anyone help?

    Make sure the launcher is using 64bit java. 32-bit will do this to you.

  3. As neither I or this mystical force (God? KakerMix? That thumbtack on my bulletein board? Who knows what's responsible!?!? I'm suddenly very scared by this game.) that grants these wishes knows what eternal cake life is, you are turned into a cake as a substitute. TheBytemaster eats you for dessert.

    Sounds good to me! :D

    I wish video card manufacturers would better support Linux so I wouldn't have to wait for Microsoft to get their rear in gear so I can update from Win 7.

    They do, but then you realize that gaming is a waste of time.

    I wish for an open-hatched limo, some fun-loving friends, and a tuba.

  4. You save up your money, and before long, a trashcan shaped computer is sitting on your desk. Then, I tell you about the computer I built myself with twice the specs for half the cash and you realize your mistake.

    I wish Microsoft would get it's act together and develop a Desktop OS.

    They do, but the only available theme is hot dog stand.

    I wish for EE2 in real life.

  5. On that note, Moonbase Commander was one of, (still is one of, I found out you can buy it online DRM-free now for a few bucks, totally worth it), my favorite strategy games I ever found as a kid. The concept is pretty unique, and well done, (at least for the time. The interface hasn't aged all that well, but it works.) It's also refreshingly different from many of the games you see nowadays that value actions-per-second/multitasking/multiple unit management and twitch reflexes above almost all else. *coughstarcraftcoughAoEcoughcoughetc.*

    The game is turn based and takes place on a wrap-around map. (Most) all of your regular units are buildings connected to each other via land-lines that spiral back to your central starting hub. If any of the buildings that dot the lines are destroyed, anything that now becomes un-connected to your central hub explodes. Anything you deploy is shot out of any hub or offensive center you own. Every round you get a set amount of energy based on any energy-gathering units you have, etc. The round goes until everyone either runs out of energy or skips their turn. (or dies), and then energy is re-allocated. You also get to keep any energy you skip.

    Really really easy to grock, not too many unit/weapons choices or anything, but that the complexity of the different strategies of unit deployment you can use together... I haven't even figured everything out. It also has multi-player, which is really fun on a LAN with friends. If anyone wants to have a hamachi match, hit me up.

  6. so whenever i want to play hexxit (and/or other modpacks from technic launcher) from a place where i dont have internet connection(school has everything except internet explorer blocked), it wont start up the modpack.

    now google tells me that i have to log in with a valid minecraft account on the modpack before offline mode is enabled, which i did. but that doesnt help. i click "Launch" but nothing loads.

    nothing happens with beta launchers either...

    I've done a similar thing. Turn off your wireless/internet connection entirely before launching. See if that works.

    It seems that for some reason if the launcher's requests are blocked by the network, the launcher throws a fit. Same thing happened with the FTB launcher. Not sure if it still does, but I know it used to, at the very least.

  7. News anchors everywhere are soon fired for staring off camera and at the ceiling at random times and confusing the audience.

    Pshhhaw, that's not a corruption of my wish. That's an intended consequence.

    They join Mojang as janitors. No one updates Forge.

    I wish it wasn't so late in the evening.

    Suddenly you realize that the arbitrary limitations of "time" that we as a society have imposed on ourselves have absolutely no real meaning. This ensues.


    And then society breaks down. Jeeze, thanks for that, I think I'll go hide up in the mountains for twenty years now until things cool off.

    I wish for a vhs/dvd/blu-ray/digital video player that will automatically censor movies and programs I watch to my liking, automatically compensating for the missing content by generating small clips of new non-perverted/obscene content that fits both stylistically and story-line wise on-the-fly.

  8. I eat you at my birthday party.

    I wish I could record better-quality Minecraft videos on my computer.

    You can, but the insane quality of the videos fills up your hard drive to the very last sector, squashing the space windows normally reserves for virtual memory, causing your OS to fail in a way beyond anything a BSOD can handle. As a result, the next time you foolishly attempt to power your machine up, a renegade kernel-mode thread goes careening like an out-of-control 16-wheeler on ice through a particular driver that controls the movement and power state of your hard-disk, as well as the microcode of your processor. Your machine is now so unbelievably messed up as to require complete replacement, and you have no money left for replacing it after paying for the operation required to remove the various bits of hard-disk platter from your face that were put there violently after your hard drive spun out of control. The surgery is a failure, leaving a bit of scar tissue behind unintentionally. That scar tissue unfortunately becomes cancerous and grows into your eye socket, further distorting your face and also leaving you blind in one eye with a large grotesque tumor where your eye used to be.

    The end.

    (I wish for the power to control the power news anchors are looking in while they talk.)

  9. You wished for nothing. You get everything, delivered by our fleet of express transport planes. First up: the world's combined stock of nuclear weaponry.

    I wish I'd stop procrastinating and do my homework.

    You suddenly become consumed with the desire to not procrastinate anything. Fueled with the thirst for productivity, you work yourself to death. After all, why sleep now when you can work more and sleep later?

  10. I am definitely NOT corrupting your wish to corrupt your wish.

    I wish I didn't have to work and still get paid.

    You get paid to do nothing. LITERALLY nothing. If you do anything more than blink, pee, and eat occasionally, you lose your job.

    I wish for the ability sneeze out of other people's noses.

  11. You don't learn Spanish and are then kidnapped by evil drug lords and taken to Mexico. You cannot be rescued due to language barriers with the police.

    I wish that gaming would be considered a serious hobby.

    Gaming is a serious hobby. It becomes SERIOUS BUSINESS.

    Too serious.

    Many many rampant crimes are committed due to the seriousness which gaming now commands. Eventually you are murdered by the parents of the 12-year-old you were trash-talking on CoD.

    I wish for someone to corrupt my wish.

  12. Hmm, He said that he loves having "infinite" items all at once so he can be creative (Without creative mode on.)

    What is RiM?

    Basically redpower frames 3.0 :iia:

    The custom rendering for mod blocks and such is fairly impressive, and there is a new, (optional), "hard mode" in the works that will make it require power to move. It will also make the building of moving things much more interesting.

  13. Like Neo said, Ars magica is a great mod for this. Ars magica 2 looks like it'll be taking the creativity > raw mindless dupe power thing even further by requiring you to create your own spells from scratch.

    Or you could show him RiM and challenge him to a superweapon/super mining machine building contest. Again, creativity > raw mindless power.

  14. It's a symptom of the fishy plague.

    Bwahahahah. I suddenly wish there was a "like" button on your post.

    Anyways. You should do more Pokemon/other comics, Soupa. This one made me laugh a ton, your unique sense of humor never fails. *Awards little golden man statue*

  15. I suspect it might be my RAM, but the launcher will only let me allocate up to 1GB of RAM for some reason

    32-bit java will do this. If your processor/OS is only 32-bit, nothing much you can do, but if you have a 64 bit OS then you should install 64-bit java. How much ram does your system have?

    Also, I've noticed it starts to happen when the map has to load.

    In this case, You might want to Pre-generate the map. Always post crash logs, preferably using the "code" tags.

  16. art fart tee hee

    bout 40 minutes wasted heoeheoehe


    Is she gagged or being a sneaky ninja?


    Wait... from the first page.. I just realized... long black-haired girl in a traditional dress with bunnies on the moon... TOUHOU.

    *Brain goes TOUHOUASPLODE*

  17. That would depend on our orbit. If we were on the far side of the sun in relation to the black hole, our atmosphere would be gone, the earth would become deformed and possibly shatter, but most the chunks would be flung far out into space without a start to call home.

    If we were on the other side, then we would probably fall into the event horizon and we would never be seen again.

    Of course we die in any circumstance, the acceleration from the slingshot alone would be enough to tear the planet into chunks the size of baseballs if not atoms. I would be astonished if anything larger than a building sized chunk survived.

    So, essentially the world goes through a late-season dragonball Z fight? Sounds legit.

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