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Posts posted by TheBytemaster

  1. (Two people have flattered me. This is a bit silly I think, and I rather they didn't since I don't want people to think I'm in this for myself - but I'm not going to take money out of flattr anyway, so it's not a big deal. It'll end up with the people I've flattred, mostly modders)

    Hmm, seems like a great way to show support for your campaign to me. Maybe this should be a thing?

    Honestly though, reading through some more of your stuff, I'm tempted to flatter either you or some of the non-adf.ly modders I like. I probably will as soon as a few things I have to do get cleared up.

  2. Well, fuck consoles. When I put GTA V into my Xbox 360 disk tray the game refused to load, even after installing the right disc and everything. Games being easier to play on consoles my ass. Back to Steam then!

    In my experience, they're easier to play in general unless something goes wrong. Then you're totally hosed. PC's can be slightly harder, but you can fix most anything that goes wrong.

  3. If I was a modder, I would probably appreciate the donations, but I wouldn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of your awesomeness or something by asking for a donation. There are plenty of modders that deserve a thanks though.

    You might want to actively go looking for modders that don't do adf.ly instead of asking them to ask for donations.

  4. MHPage12 should be banned for having two names - one his account name, the other in his profile picture. He's obviously an impersonator and not trustworthy enough to be a member of these forums.

    Theprolo should be banned for being a devil in a devil's clothing.

  5. Not to toot any horns,

    Have a comic.


    In other wor-BRAAAAAAAAAAP-

    (Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I hate that phrase. Everyone says that, then proceeds to toot horns anyways. Or the phrase, "I don't know what to tell you, kid". No-one ever stops talking there. Etc, etc.)


    whitelisted servers = good,

    small servers = good,

    people who know each other = good,

    searching high and low for the best servers and admins/mods = good.

    Armed with this knowledge, plunge forth and go to rule the world of minecraft!

  6. Sounds like you've had some bad luck with servers so far. I'd recommend luke's cold war server, as it sounds like a perfect match for you, but that's down right now.

    Try out a smaller server perhaps? It sounds like the problems you have had primarily happen on larger servers.

    I'd test out a server or three with like 10 slots on it or so, see how that goes.

    (I've also noticed that the environment tends to be radically different when most of the players know each other outside of the server.)

  7. Well, poop. I don't know then. I guess I'll just have to screw with that mod at some future date. So far that's the only entity that doesn't work with it, though.

    If it helps, (probably won't, but I'll try), I discovered that the sides of ICBM launchers kind of do the same thing. (Only the middle bit is actually a block, and the side towers move with the middle bit even if you only move it. You can actually place your own blocks over the side towers manually if you wish.)


  8. My guess is it's a simple if statement.

    if ( whateverwayofcheckingconfigs )

    Of course, just a guess. My java skills are not up there.

    Still, I've never seen configs used that broadly before, even thought there are plenty of places where it would be applicable and appreciated. Even less for Opt-in configs.


    Anyways, I remember you mentioning obsidian/other things not being able to move anymore.. perhaps higher tiers could do so?

    Another question, will each block "cost" the same to move? As in, having the same weight?

    Perhaps, "heavy" blocks that are otherwise immovable, (IE, obsidian or other piston-immovable things.), should have an increased cost?

  9. By default, the mod will remain exactly as it is now. To register hard mode recipes and functions, the config option must be switched to true. If the config option is later switched back to false, all blocks will retain their upgrades and such, but will no longer use them and all will act as their normal mode equivalents do now.

    If you don't and will never care about hard mode, when you next update, you will not be affected in any way.

    So if you don't enable hardmode, the items for the different teirs of launchers won't even show up?

    Wow, that's pretty slick.

  10. Osmotic power is only viable where you have a supply of fresh and salt water, so it's a viable generator in costal areas but is worthless for pretty much anywhere else.

    Lucky a significant portion of the human population liked the idea of beachfront property.

    So, in other words, ship-mounted railguns just became that much easier/cheaper to operate/deploy. :fry:

    If the massive energy needed to power one can be stored in capacitors cheaply enough, I predict future pirates will be armed with miniture railguns. For some reason that thought makes me laugh.


    Nevermind, once again, my imagination glosses over important details to make something awesome happen.

    Wait. How much water would you need?

  11. Impressive, I never would have thought about low orbit lightning. The only problem I find with that would be transmission back to the surface.

    One way around that could be the use of space elevators keeping the meshes suspended. Why do I say space elevator? Because nothing else would be able to stay over the same plot of land for wired transmission at such an orbit. At that point though you may as well just go for solar power grids in space at the end of the space elevator.

    Maybe we could use some sort of electromagnetic radiation to transmit the energy wirelessly/accidentally fry rebels? Microwave band perhaps?

    I read that. I really hope they can get that into production because 1m^2 of membrane to power 3 homes is pretty darn good.

    Goodness. I don't think thorium could really beat that, except for portability.

  12. Damn, so theres nothing else kind of similar to sky den ?

    There might be a similar custom modpack. You'll have to do some looking though.

    One quest I recommend would be to gather an entire set of the mythical Hexxit armor for each of you whom are playing. That's certainly a challenge.

  13. It looks like something is blocking your launcher from making the connections it needs. You mentioned you are not an admin on your computer, I would ask whoever is in charge to allow the technic launcher through the firewall/network.

    Oh, and for future reference, OS means Operating System. Like Windows 7, or windows 8, or OSX (mac), or Ubuntu (linux).

    You are running a version of windows, judging by your choice of antivirus.

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