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Posts posted by TheBytemaster

  1. Geothermal:

    It would be a great source of power and a near infinite one (infinite power by our meager standards) and would work around the clock. The problem with that however is that to get at the 'good stuff' (The molten core of earth) we'd have to dig very deep. Past that I'm not sure about the logistics.

    Problems are where to drill, how to drill that deep and produce/transmit energy from a source that is that deep, and how to not cause earthquakes, (or at least make people stop freaking out about drilling = earthquakes.)

  2. i would use Gobal warming to my advantage and melt the ice caps, this would hopefully jumpstart a water cycle on mars...the next problem would be its lack of an electromagnetic field

    also, in order to get to mars, wouldn't we need to have some sort of shielding against cosmic radiation?

    For the long term travel, yes. AFAIK the shielding would be far less problematic than stopping our astronauts from murdering each other or having kids during the flight, however.

  3. That would be cool, although the said that as a joke.

    Who is "she"?

    And yes, that would be cool.

    I was maybe thinking more of on the scale of a mini-boss. Maybe some kind of odd powered-up shark or large ancient sea turtle.

  4. I think it would be amazing. I've tried the Biomes 'o Plenty mod, and the 2 high grass is one of my favorite parts.

    I hope it grows thickly.

    Sounds good to me as well. I also look forward to the revamped fishing. Still wish they would add some more underwater content, maybe underwater ruins or patches of seaweed, or perhaps some kind of lovecraftian sea monster, but they are adding a potion of water breathing... I remain hopeful.

  5. I can't get to ladders .. Is it a bug or i need any mod for it? Please help me.

    Uh, what do you mean by this? Do you mean that you can't craft ladders? Or that they aren't working? Or that you can't place them? You're going to have to elaborate a little bit if you want us to help.

  6. where can i get the .app version?????

    Oh. You can't. I swear there was an .app version for mac users, but it seems I am wrong. My bad.

    Anywho, unless you can figure out how to make your school laptop run the .jar, you're probably out of luck.

    And, as I said before, if the school has locked down the computers too much, you may be completely hosed. Not much I can do there, sorry :(

  7. okay i use a laptop my school uses and i want to play tekkit and it wont let me every time i try to open up tekkit it says “TechnicLauncher.jar” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.someone please help me figure out how to fix this my normal minecraft.jar works fine but im not sure how to get the technic launcher to work please help

    You may be hosed there, depending on how the school has set their permissions up. I would try the .exe version of the launcher instead, (unless the laptop is a mac, in which case you should try the .app version.)

  8. Oh, Luke, I forgot to mention that your worldgen border thing likely broke a part of ars magica. There is a block, (archmage podium) that is used to gain access to higher powered casting, it normally spawns in an archmage tower. Only one tower will spawn per world, up to 10000 blocks from spawn... and your world doesn't contain one. Can I have permission to put a podium in the capital/spawn? Or maybe on top of the capital? There are plenty of ways to get up there without blocks/creative mode.

  9. Erm, not personally, I've never done anything with videos before so I wouldn't know where to start making one. That said, I'll do some googling and see what I can do.

    If you want something free that works pretty well, I'd start with CamStudio. (If you use windows, that is.)

    I think I'll make my version, (IE: huge, brutal, and crude, yet still cool.), of a mining machine once the new update comes out and I learn AE. If it turns out well enough, I'll share it too.

  10. Hello so i downlded the Tekkit launcher but it no load when i click on the progrm. It says it from "Publisher no Verified" and say Yes or No. I say No because i dont want to get a virus but then it juts closes. Plz help thx.

    What that means is that windows is skeptical of the file because it does not have a certificate. I have many many programs without certificates, and (to my knowledge) none of them are viruses.

    The tekkit launcher does not have any viruses in it, (at least, assuming that you got it here). You should click Yes if you want the launcher to run. If you don't want that little warning to pop up every time you use the technic launcher, un-check the little box that says, "always ask before opening this file".

  11. I made an extension to the transit base. An extra launcher high up so that missiles won't smack into buildings.

    (Although, for the record, I take pride in my faction being so far ahead in kills, even if only indirectly.)

    EDIT: And I have found the solution to the redwood tree crash. Simply go into your video settings->Details-> and turn trees to fast.

    Luke, since server textures seem to be on by default, if you want to use this to distribute this texture, that would fix it.


    -(credit goes to SoartexFanver on the MC forums for the fix. -Link to post-)

  12. how does that involve me

    oO_BUBBLES_Oo should be banned for only having a head

    jvb50m should be banned for making me begin a sentence with a small letter! My grammar police fingers are greatly offended.

    jvb50m should be banned for ignoring capitalization, for making the problem worse with his name, and for being oblivious to the pain he causes us grammar police.

    And Mataroyale should be banned for being a ninja.

    And I should be banned for not checking what page of the thread I am on.

  13. well this enderman does not

    Kocken926 should be banned beacues his cheeks are very chubby

    jvb should be banned for using an incredibly stock avatar for a minecraft-related forum. Be original!

    (And also for making my eye twitch with the way he misspelled because.)

  14. TheBytemaster is banned for having a chicken scratch drawing of a snooty angry bird as his profile pic.

    A snooty angry bird?

    It's a heavily edited (high contrast boosted) and upside-down version of a sketch I did of Miki Hatori from Kekkaishi.

    Could you post an outline of the snooty bird? I can't see it in there at all.

    Oh, and oO_BUBBLES_Oo should be banned for having been shoved through Instagram filters one too many times.

  15. Richs_Yard should be banned because Omaorbs should be wearing sunglasses, not mere eyeglasses.

    oO_BUBBLES_Oo is banned for being a quote. Quotes are not alive. Therefore, you are some sort of undead being of snark.

  16. The way Minecraft works, I'd have to consume twice as many block IDs to implement armored versions. I suppose I could put blast resistance as a config option, but I'm not sure just how much it would be worth bothering with.

    I'd rather just have people use more creative engineering to put blast-resistant blocks as the portcullis instead of just letting them be lazy and armoring the carriage blocks directly. There are more than plenty of carriage types to not have to make a door out of them directly

    *smacks self*


  17. Hello! I'm kind of in a pickle. My vanilla Minecraft version is corrupt (long story), so I can't use it for making a modpack. Can anyone give me a link or something so I can download a useable version for modding?

    If your vanilla minecraft launcher is corrupt, redownload it.

    If it's simply not working, tell us more information about your system, and maybe we can help.

  18. Not a bug: Carriages have very little blast resistance. Gotta be careful around them.

    Use a screwdriver to remove leftover invisible blocks.


    What do you think about the idea of possibly implementing armor for carrage blocks, (maybe in an addon, or in the core mod), either as some sort of upgrade for exsisting carrage blocks or possibly as a different version entirely with a different crafting recipe?

    Not perfectly bomb-proof armor, mind you, but maybe enough to where a single block of vanilla tnt might only take out a few blocks?

    I feel like that would bring an entirely new level of depth to the mod, without being too overly complex or hard to understand. Two ideas that spring to mind are tanks/armored veicheles for bombing, and armored doors/hatches for bases. Like a portacillis for a castle? (that's what it's called, right?)

    Maybe greatly reduce the movement speed of the armored blocks as a trade off for better blast/mining resistance (maybe you need a diamond pick to mine them? Maybe they use obsidian in the recipe?)

    Or implement a longer cooldown time between moves? Both? Perhaps they would be unable to float over open air?

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