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Posts posted by TheBytemaster

  1. Skyden here and i have a HUGE problemo, one my Technic Launcher wont show up icons here is a picture: http://www.mediafire.com/view/3udvwe3cy6z72e6/Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 8.33.07 PM.png

    Have you tried nuking the .technic folder and re-starting the launcher?

    Check your firewall settings as well, if all of the packs are doing that, my guess would be your firewall or network is interfering with the launcher's performance.

  2. I have been playing Hexxit often, but every 20 minutes or so it just shuts down! help me! i dont know how to stop this from happening! it even crashes!

    First of all, your post is in the wrong section entirely. Second of all, we're going to need more information that that to fix your problem. Third of all, you should look in -these- -sections- to see if anyone with similar problems has found a solution. If not, you should make a thread in the appropriate section or post in an appropriate thread.

    And welcome to the technic forums.

  3. its not so funny if i am far away from my home and that i easily could kill them with no lag

    That would be less fun, yes.

    Are you asking for help with making the lag stop? Or are you just telling us you have a lot of lag?

  4. Unfortunately, it was in the IRC. I was chatting with some folks, and wondered aloud when 1.6 support would arrive. Olloth happened to be there and said he was waiting to add some cool new stuff in addition to updating.

    Ah, I see. Well, I guess I'll just have to be paitent and wait to see what kind of wizardry Olloth cooks up for us. Whatever it is, I imagine it's going to be great!

  5. Hi I want to install some mod packs on the launcher but it kept on popping up the error saying the following:

    error downloading the mod pack.

    failed to download < Website>

    please consult the modpack author

    Could someone help me !! plz.

    Most likely what has happened is that the author of the modpack messed up. Either he is using a file-hosting service but has gone over his bandwidth limit, or he used the service/set up the pack incorrectly.

    Go talk to the author of the pack if you need it fixed.

  6. If it is similar to my problem, then after entering account info and the "captcha" it just refreshes as though I had hit F5 with no error messages as to issues with the cpatcha, issues with the password or the account name. I tried variants meeting all the rules I am aware of that are common for these with no result. I eventually had to give up.

    Of course, this may be nothing like the above problem, there I go shamelessly leeching attention :s

    While OP is missing, could I help you out? What browser/OS are you using? And could you tell me the version number of your browser as well?

  7. what os do you have

    The OP's problem is OS independent.

    (Regardless, he mentioned using Ubuntu one to distribute the pack, so my guess would be Ubuntu.)

    Or were you referring to this post?

    I tried to have a look but I cant find a program that will extract the folder (win rar ect)

    Also another more serious question. SInce my file was too big to host on DropBox I am hosting it on Ubuntu One now and when people try to update the pack it says "Error Unzipping Modpack". Can anyone help please?

    Part of me wonders if this pack is simply too big for the technic launcher's unpacker to handle. Does anyone know of any kind of theoretical limit for the launcher unpacker?

  8. I cant create a website account! I need help! Please respond quick!

    (p.s I don't know if this is the correct section for this)

    Yes, this is the right section. Congratulations.

    (I'm going to assume that you mean an account for www.technicpack.net and the Technic Platform distribution stuff, as you obviously have a forum account.)

    Anyways, could you walk me through exactly what you are doing to try to create your account/what is going wrong?

    EDIT: :ninja:'d

  9. But still I dont get it

    Let me clarify/repeat what has already been said. If offlinemode is on, the user can use whatever kind of jacked up client they want to do terrible things to your server, because the server doesn't do security checks.

    To reiterate; If you are in offline mode, the server just trusts whatever the client says. For example, if the server asks the client, "are you modified? (IE; a souped-up hacking rig)?" the client can just say, "lol, nope", and the server will take it's word for it without doing any checks. It will then allow the hacked client to connect, and it will then proceed to mess with your server.

    Now do you understand?

  10. I read it on... fuck Im gonna fail at spelling his name. Lukeb39 I think is his name. His guide.

    Lukeb28? I thought that thread said to use winrar...

    Software you need!

    WinRar Archiver. This works very well and I have not had a single issue with this for the past 5 months.


    I trust this site but if you are uncomfortable with it then you may use any archiving program you wish. Just be aware that some steps will be different and I will not be able to help you with a program I do not know myself.

    Pretty sure he said to use winrar.

    Before any of you say check other forum threads and posts, I did. I followed every instructions and tried every single guide, I made sure it was a direct link, I made sure it was a zip and not a rar,etc... but still im getting this unzipping error. I Apologize if I sound like a douchebag, but its because the last time I attempted to post something like this, I ended up with a private messaging calling me a idiot and telling me to check threads I already checked..

    Now, I could totally call you out on that, but I'm not going to. Instead, I'm going to humbly ask you to use this as a chance to realize that you may have goofed up a little, mature from it, and move on. Everyone makes mistakes once in a while, right?

  11. TheByteMaster is banned for having no mouth on his avatar despite having a face

    Phantomsight is banned for being a confused chicken.

    Also for not looking at my avatar closely enough. There is a mouth. Look harder.

  12. Torezu should be banned for assuming nobody likes creepers, as shown on Cheap Shot's avatar, there's a heart, which shows that then just want a hug....

    cproo should be banned for having no avatar, and for not looking to see if there are more posts after the one he quoted. :owned:

    EDIT: speaking of ninjas...

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