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Posts posted by Kiwionrails

  1. Not sure if it is a bug or not, but fillers will not accept inputs of materials from pipes, hoppers or chutes...... Anyone know any other way to auto-fill them as i'm trying to fill some old quarry holes and it obviously takes ages to do it by hand :O

  2. I'm having a similar thing where i have a manual farm with stone bricks with dirt layed out and it is just sitting there doing nothing other than consuming a fertiliser every couple of seconds, yet still complaining that there is none....



  3. .....Also nearly XyCraft until a 3-hour long flamewar erupted between the author and GregT, which suddenly stopped as quickly as it began.

    No surprises there, thank goodness he was forced (I hope) to back down, I could imagine that one could have got very messy if he hadn't. Yeah a few of the things added by GregT are cool, but compared to some of the major screwing he has done with other mods.......well........

    And in terms of IC2, the only thing i'll miss from it are large sinks for materials late-game, as virtually all its processing abilities has now been improved upon by the likes of TE.

  4. Limit runs to 5 pieces long?

    Enery loss on part with a tesseract?

    That sounds like a really neat solution, a bit like (apologies for the IC2 analogies) copper cable is rubbish and *very* lossy over long distances, whereas the glass fibre ('normal conduits' in TE) barley loose anything :)

  5. Which version of Lite are you using?

    I had similar problems with 0.5.7 with Optifine C3 Ultra, but having updated to 0.5.9 Lite with Ultra D3 have had no further problems.

    If you are using 0.5.7, the version of forge in it is incompatible/buggy with optifine, and this is a widely known problem, which is fixed for later versions.

  6. Is there a limit on the radius that a BC pump can pump from? When i set one up in a Mystcraft world with lava oceans it only seems to pump out from a circular 8-chunk radius as per the picture below.


    And if there is a limit, is there any way to increase it to the full 10-chunk radius capable of being loaded by Chicken-Chunks Chunk-Loaders?

    Cheers :)

    ...(on and this is SSP)

  7. As previous posters have said, try just using RP2 tubes into the top as per the one i've done. I've used Oak covers to stop the tubes from connecting to the bottom, whilst this isn't a problem, i think it looks ugly :P

    I also have a diamond chest at the end on a restriction tube to act as an overflow for anything which doesn't have anywhere to go.


    (and i've been using signs as my place-holder blocks)

    This is also actually quite an old screen-shot, but i cant get any newer ones at the moment, and the basic layout hasn't really changed.

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