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Posts posted by Ysharma

  1. The main / directory refers to your configs folder in the modpack folder.

    ID's 1-145 Vanilla MC

    ID's 146-155 /abo/main.conf

    ID's 156-160 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 171-184 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 161-164 /AdvancedPowerManagement.cfg

    ID's 165-170 /AdvGenerators.cfg

    ID's 171-184 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 185-198 /APUnofficial.cfg

    ID's 199-253, 404-565, 829, 842 /ArsMagica.cfg

    ID's 566-569 /ASTU.cfg

    ID's 570-580 /Bibliocraft.cfg

    ID's 570-570 /BioLock.cfg

    ID's 571-580 /BioMaterials.cfg

    ID's 581-596 /buildcraft/APS.cfg

    ID's 597-660 /buildcraft/main.conf

    ID's 661-663 /CCheldsPeripherals.cfg

    ID's 664-665 /CCLights.cfg

    ID's 666-667 /CCTurtle.cfg

    ID's 668-671 /ChargePads.cfg

    ID's 672-672 /ChickenChunks.cfg

    ID's 673-676 /cofh/omnitools.cfg

    ID's 677-700 /cofh/thermalexpansion.cfg

    ID's 701-701 /CompactSolars.cfg

    ID's 702-706 /ComputerCraft.cfg

    ID's 707-719 /CrossbowMod2.cfg

    ID's 720-723 /Defense.cfg

    ID's 724-733 /denonflionsx/ValvePipe/ValvePipe.cfg

    ID's 734-765 /denonflionsx/PluginsforForestry/PfF.cfg

    ID's 766-781 /DimensionalDoors.cfg

    ID's 782-789 /EE3.cfg

    ID's 790-791 /EnderStorage.cfg

    ID's 792-794 /enhancedportals.cfg

    ID's 255, 795-828, 830-851 /extrabiomes/extrabiomes.cfg

    ID's 852-1000 /factorization.cfg

    ID's 1001-1003 /flans.cfg

    ID's 1004-1004 /gravigun.cfg

    ID's 1005-1016 /gravisuite.cfg

    ID's 1017-1031 /WirelessRedstone.cfg

    ID's 1032-1038 /planetguy_Gizmos.cfg

    ID's 1039-1041 /LiquidUU.cfg

    ID's 1042-1043 /IronPP.cfg

    ID's 1044-1050 /mmmpowersuits.cfg

    ID's 1051-1055 /ThaumicBees.cfg

    ID's 1056-1056 /NetherOres.cfg

    ID's 1057-1062 /MoreCompositeArmor.cfg

    ID's 1063-1067 /miscperipherals.cfg

    ID's 1068-1078 /More Pistons.cfg

    ID's 1079-1083 /OCS.cfg

    ID's 1084-1086 /Transformers.cfg

    ID's 1087-1092,1098-1100 /MoCProperties.cfg

    ID's 1093-1096 /PortablePeripherals.cfg

    ID's 1097-1097 /ObsidiPlates.cfg

    ID's 1101-1110 /Ironchests.cfg

    ID's 1111-1128 /SecretRoomsMod.cfg

    ID's 1129-1141 /IC2NuclearControl.cfg

    ID's 1141-1161 /minechem.cfg

    ID's 1162-1183 /SoulShards.cfg

    ID's 1184-1259 /railcraft.cfg

    ID's 1260-1269 /StevesCarts.cfg

    ID's 1270-1383 /TwilightForest.cfg

    ID's 1384-1400 /mystcraft_config.txt

    ID's 1401-1421 /SyntaCraft.cfg

    ID's 1422-1456 /LogisticsPipes.cfg

    ID's 1457-1678 /IC2.cfg

    ID's 1679-1689 /immibis.cfg

    ID's 1690-1721 /Xreliquary.cfg

    ID's 1722-1769 /MFFS.cfg

    ID's 1770-1809 /MFReloaded

    ID's 1810-1817 /PowerConverters.cfg

    ID's 1818-1914 /Mekanism.cfg

  2. 1.How old are you?


    2.Can you pay the two dollars a month?

    I can, the real question is: Will I?

    3.Do comply with the rules what can we add and what can we take out?

    Sure whatever, I read them.

    4.Skype name


    5.Youtube link(And twitch)



    6.Why would you like to join?(Don't even both signing up if is not over a paragraph)

    I want this job because I need it. I want to improve my skills and learn many things as soon as possible.Your company has a good reputation and strong team. In this environment, I can combine my knowledge and experience well. I can challenge myself and reach my goal.

    7.What can you bring? (Don't fill out if you think you answer this is the six one.)

    I program shit when I don't have homework. I also can teach you secrets on how to not get banned here.

    8.Are you new to Tekkit? How long have you played?

    I played for 113 year. Stupid.

    9. Anything else you would like to add?


    10. A little bit about you.

    Turtle. Flat. Indian.

  3. Its k. Progress:

    The main / directory refers to your configs folder in the modpack folder.

    ID's 1-145 Vanilla MC

    ID's 146-155 /abo/main.conf

    ID's 156-160 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 171-184 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 161-164 /AdvancedPowerManagement.cfg

    ID's 165-170 /AdvGenerators.cfg

    ID's 171-184 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 185-198 /APUnofficial.cfg

    ID's 199-253, 404-565, 829, 842 /ArsMagica.cfg

    ID's 566-569 /ASTU.cfg

    ID's 570-580 /Bibliocraft.cfg

    ID's 570-570 /BioLock.cfg

    ID's 571-580 /BioMaterials.cfg

    ID's 581-596 /buildcraft/APS.cfg

    ID's 597-660 /buildcraft/main.conf

    ID's 661-663 /CCheldsPeripherals.cfg

    ID's 664-665 /CCLights.cfg

    ID's 666-667 /CCTurtle.cfg

    ID's 668-671 /ChargePads.cfg

    ID's 672-672 /ChickenChunks.cfg

    ID's 673-676 /cofh/omnitools.cfg

    ID's 677-700 /cofh/thermalexpansion.cfg

    ID's 701-701 /CompactSolars.cfg

    ID's 702-706 /ComputerCraft.cfg

    ID's 707-719 /CrossbowMod2.cfg

    ID's 720-723 /Defense.cfg

    ID's 724-733 /denonflionsx/ValvePipe/ValvePipe.cfg

    ID's 734-765 /denonflionsx/PluginsforForestry/PfF.cfg

    ID's 766-781 /DimensionalDoors.cfg

    ID's 782-789 /EE3.cfg

    ID's 790-791 /EnderStorage.cfg

    ID's 792-794 /enhancedportals.cfg

    ID's 255, 795-828, 830-851 /extrabiomes/extrabiomes.cfg

    ID's 852-1000 /factorization.cfg

    ID's 1001-1003 /flans.cfg

    ID's 1004-1004 /gravigun.cfg

    ID's 1005-1016 /gravisuite.cfg

    ID's 1017-1031 /WirelessRedstone.cfg

    ID's 1032-1038 /planetguy_Gizmos.cfg

    ID's 1039-1041 /LiquidUU.cfg

    ID's 1042-1043 /IronPP.cfg

    ID's 1044-1050 /mmmpowersuits.cfg

    ID's 1051-1055 /ThaumicBees.cfg

    ID's 1056-1056 /NetherOres.cfg

    ID's 1057-1062 /MoreCompositeArmor.cfg

    ID's 1063-1067 /miscperipherals.cfg

    ID's 1068-1078 /More Pistons.cfg

    ID's 1079-1083 /OCS.cfg

    ID's 1084-1086 /Transformers.cfg

    ID's 1087-1092,1098-1100 /MoCProperties.cfg

    ID's 1093-1096 /PortablePeripherals.cfg

    ID's 1097-1097 /ObsidiPlates.cfg

    ID's 1101-1110 /Ironchests.cfg

    ID's 1111-1128 /SecretRoomsMod.cfg

    ID's 1129-1141 /IC2NuclearControl.cfg

    ID's 1141-1161 /minechem.cfg

    ID's 1162-1183 /SoulShards.cfg

    ID's 1184-1259 /railcraft.cfg


    And forget it,Im doing the id's only have like the 10 biggest configs


    The main / directory refers to your configs folder in the modpack folder.

    ID's 1-145 Vanilla MC

    ID's 146-155 /abo/main.conf

    ID's 156-160 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 171-184 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 161-164 /AdvancedPowerManagement.cfg

    ID's 165-170 /AdvGenerators.cfg

    ID's 171-184 /AppliedEnergestics.cfg

    ID's 185-198 /APUnofficial.cfg

    ID's 199-253, 404-565, 829, 842 /ArsMagica.cfg

    ID's 566-569 /ASTU.cfg

    ID's 570-580 /Bibliocraft.cfg

    ID's 570-570 /BioLock.cfg

    ID's 571-580 /BioMaterials.cfg

    ID's 581-596 /buildcraft/APS.cfg

    ID's 597-660 /buildcraft/main.conf

    ID's 661-663 /CCheldsPeripherals.cfg

    ID's 664-665 /CCLights.cfg

    ID's 666-667 /CCTurtle.cfg

    ID's 668-671 /ChargePads.cfg

    ID's 672-672 /ChickenChunks.cfg

    ID's 673-676 /cofh/omnitools.cfg

    ID's 677-700 /cofh/thermalexpansion.cfg

    ID's 701-701 /CompactSolars.cfg

    ID's 702-706 /ComputerCraft.cfg

    ID's 707-719 /CrossbowMod2.cfg

    ID's 720-723 /Defense.cfg

    ID's 724-733 /denonflionsx/ValvePipe/ValvePipe.cfg

    ID's 734-765 /denonflionsx/PluginsforForestry/PfF.cfg

    ID's 766-781 /DimensionalDoors.cfg

    ID's 782-789 /EE3.cfg

    ID's 790-791 /EnderStorage.cfg

    ID's 792-794 /enhancedportals.cfg

    ID's 255, 795-828, 830-851 /extrabiomes/extrabiomes.cfg

    ID's 852-1000 /factorization.cfg

    ID's 1001-1003 /flans.cfg

    ID's 1004-1004 /gravigun.cfg

    ID's 1005-1016 /gravisuite.cfg

    ID's 1017-1031 /WirelessRedstone.cfg

    ID's 1032-1038 /planetguy_Gizmos.cfg

    ID's 1039-1041 /LiquidUU.cfg

    ID's 1042-1043 /IronPP.cfg

    ID's 1044-1050 /mmmpowersuits.cfg

    ID's 1051-1055 /ThaumicBees.cfg

    ID's 1056-1056 /NetherOres.cfg

    ID's 1057-1062 /MoreCompositeArmor.cfg

    ID's 1063-1067 /miscperipherals.cfg

    ID's 1068-1078 /More Pistons.cfg

    ID's 1079-1083 /OCS.cfg

    ID's 1084-1086 /Transformers.cfg

    ID's 1087-1092,1098-1100 /MoCProperties.cfg

    ID's 1093-1096 /PortablePeripherals.cfg

    ID's 1097-1097 /ObsidiPlates.cfg

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