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Posts posted by Kiante

  1. Hey, I was having the same problems (plus some). This sounds like some useful information. So, my question is, firstly, do I need to still use that version of MCPC +, so that it it's for MC 1.4.7? That's still the only one that will work with Voltz?

    Also, why don't you give us a path for where you're wanting us to put the file? Please?

  2. Does anyone know how to get factions to work with Voltz? Iv'e got bukkitforge 1.4.7 working, and factions itself worked, but no matter WHAT I tried, no one but ops could have ANY permissions. I'd really like to fix that problem. I've tried using bperms, I've tried PEX, I've tried leaving off the permissions plugin (which is supposed to give everyone main permissions by default) but nothing seems to work.

    If anyone can offer any help, I would really appreciate it. Before you ask, it was not a YAML formatting problem. Most likely, it seems like the factions permissions nodes that they list just don't actually do anything. Please help!

  3. my server im looking for a plugin for tekkit 3.1.2 that gives you money for killing mobs thats compatible with essentialsECO i also recommend the plugin....

    Plugin Name: ChopTree2

    BukkitDev Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/choptree2/

    Description: Allows you to chop down trees with ease, has permission support. The point in having this is that most mods are pretty heavy on coal, so with an electric furnace from ic2 players can get ampule charcoal as an alternative fuel to coal since coal is so desirable.

    Tekkit Compatibility: works perfectly no issues so far

    Does anyone know how to get the modded axes to work with this plugin?

  4. Hello all.

    I've just opened a Voltz server for me and my friends. I'm looking for a way to have people temporarily banned when they die (and lose their inventory). Basically, I want something between survival and hardcore. It should be something easy to use and change the time.

    One optional thing that might be nice is if I could configure the time to be different based on how someone dies.

    I tried doing this by putting bukkit in and using a plugin, but it kept the server from functioning (still not sure why). So if there's a better solution, I would love that. Thanks!

    UPDATE: I have gotten Bukkitforge to work, albeit only 1.4.7-40. I still haven't found a plugin that works right for this though.

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