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Posts posted by Phlexor

  1. Just gotta remap a few keys and make sure they don't overlap. I usually put the MapWriter one in the bottom right corner or don't display it at all and only use MapWriter's full screen mode when I need it

  2. Yeah fluiducts. The MFR Oil Fabricator auto pumps out, so no need to set the direction or add an Pneumatic Servo. The GC refinery doesn't auto pump put so you need to set the direction and add a Pneumatic server and set the redstone behaviour (I just put a lever on it so i can switch between pumping it into an OpenBlocks Tank and filling fuel canisters).

  3. Yep. Best way to deal with unwanted Galacticraft Oil is the OpenBlocks Sponge. If you actually need oil to go to the moon or mars, then the MFR Oil Fabricator pumping straight into the Galacticraft Refinery is the easy way to go. No running around with canisters and an oil extractor which is a P.I.T.A.

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