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Everything posted by rogueclon946

  1. Luckily i dont spend time making my bases pretty. I just make them so they work, then expand. My base was basically a large MAC with machines and deep storages all around it out on a plain. No walls. Lost a few million coal and iron though.
  2. Such door. Many jelly. My worlds corrupted so consixer this post a pic of my base xD
  3. Template frames are awesome. Maybe after work I'll post some pics of simple strip miners I have using them.
  4. that recipe is for a redpower block breaker, redpower is not in tekkit. Use thermal expansion terrain smashers instead.
  5. I have a few ideas. But my world is corrupted, might try it on a creative world tomorrow, see what I can come up with. I can get started in around 16 hours.
  6. That and they don't just drop items in the world when they get backed up like BC pipes do. Also you should opt for the opaque itemducts over regular ones. They are cheaper to make(usually a lead ingot in recipe, instead of hardened glass), have the same stats as the equivalent regular ones, and don't have animations for items moving through them.
  7. I know some mods reduce the blast resistance of obsidian to be fairly low, and I think atomic science is one of the ones that do, so obsidian isn't really a viable option.
  8. Heat is only a factor for trying to pull the glove itself out. The glove still builds heat, so you can't set an itemduct to pull at a specific energy levdl because both energy and heat have to match. You can get around that by having the glove draw power from an energy cell instead, since they can be set to be pulled just by energy level. Also if you do use a railgun like this never put itin your hotbar. Or use it yoursef. Unless you like getting fried.
  9. Well, whatever works for you. Comparators are a viable option too though.
  10. What sel mentioned is one of the issues I had before. The other option is to go into the dimensionaldoors folder in your save, go into data, and look for any files that list a dimension and are completely empty. Delete that file(s) then go back and delete the entire folder(s) for the matching dimension(s). That was what worked for me.
  11. Comparators can measure rough percentages of power in cells as well, and are cheaper and easier to use.
  12. There's no real reason to pump water out of a quarry, it actually helps them. Quarries can mine through water, but not lava or oil. Having water in the quarry fixes the lava problem for you. You might want to try just pumping out oil and possibly MFR lakes as well. Also it's possible your pump got clogged trying to pump up different liquids with nowhere to put the others.
  13. It's not really the spawnrate thats affected, its the number of enderman that constantly teleport until they either die or end up hidden in a cave.
  14. If you accidentally made the wrong amount, the TE portable tanks can hold random amounts of liquid if you need the transposer for something else.
  15. Can autonomous activators shoot railguns? If they can find a way to recharge them and you're set I know in tekkit lite it was the RP2 deployer that could do that and an IC2 block, or maybe a power converters block that could charge items in adjacent inventories. You could use the 2 to make a minimum shard farm. The activator can probably fire a railgun but I don't know of a way to recharge it without actually pulling it out of the activator and into an infuser. EDIT: It was the power converters universal charger that could charge it without pulling out of the deployer's inventory, so you would need to find a way to recharge it either when battery is empty or after every shot. I'd imagine some itemducts and redstone pulses could manage a recharge every shot, I don't know if it's possible to pull it just when empty though. So I did a bit of testing, not really thorough, but here are my results. It seems Itemducts can't pull railgun fists based on power alone, because of the heat factor. However, you can put a glove with railgun ONLY in the top left slot of the activator and set it to only use the first item, then you can put TE power cells in the other slots and the railgun can draw power from them. It should be fairly easy to either pull out power cells at a certain level or just run a timer and swap out cells every x minutes. And for having the activators not get destroyed, idk.
  16. The gui for itemducts is fairly easy. In your case you want to make sure thdy are on whitelist mode on the inputs dirrctly connected to your chests. In whitelist mode an input only accepts items you place in the inteface. Also one servo upgrades the entire block and each side is individually configured so you can have 4 or 5 chests connected to the same piece of duct and all set to accept different items.
  17. Make sure the sides are configured to be either input or output. And are you using BC pipes or something else?
  18. 5Mbit/s down, 1 up. I'll try at some point when your server status lists other people on too lol.
  19. Small turbines for me maxed out at like 3997 rf/tick placed directly over water source blocks producing steam. It's interesting how being right over the water is enough to spin it up as long as plasma is actually near the electromagnet, but nothing is fast enough to pump steam into a turbine without multiple connections... What about tesseracts right over a steam funnel?
  20. As another note: make sure to put water source blocks on all 4 of the side faces of the accumulator. You can also stick the dynamo right above it, just make sure to set the side that is touching the accumulator to input(blue). Actually the best start would be to get familiar with the thermal expansion configuration and redstone setting tabs. An extremely simple and automated battery is to just have an accumulator below a steam dynamo, have the dynamo connected to a leadstone energy cell, and connect that cell to a MFR planter, harvester, and TE sawmill. Use itemducts, opaque are easier to make and just as good, to connect the harvester to the planter,sawmill, and any kind of storage you have if you want to save excess saplings/wood. Attaching pneumatic servos to itemducts can set filters on what they accept. have the planter only accept saplings. Route all the wood into the sawmill, which will produce planks and a byproduct, depending on the type of wood you are harvesting. Pipe the planks directly into the steam dynamo, and some storage if you want to save some. You also want to pipe out the secondary item as well, since the sawmill will shut down if its secondary output slot is full. Either stick it in some form of storage, or pipe it straight into an extra utilities trash can. Once setup, if done right, this setup needs nothing else, and is able to power your basic machines(pulverizer, redstone furnace, induction smelter) fairly easily.
  21. check the calclavia configs in both your server files and client files, make sure the IDs match, that one might be either tin or copper ore, since those 2 are 3970 and 3971 for me.
  22. Is that the full message? It doesn't say anything else? And are you trying to join a SMP server? If so they could have changed an ID in their config, or something along those lines.
  23. Still does it with ram set to 7. Clearly your server dislikes me, same with my world.
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