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About slayerzoom56

  • Birthday 03/19/1993

slayerzoom56's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN:slayerzoom56 Character Name: Allen Wilcox Character Age: 32 Character Sex: Male Real Age: 18 Real Sex: Male Backstory: An ordinary teenager born to a scientist searching for the secrets of immortality. He was asked by his father to come allow him to test a new injection he invented with his team to see if he could resist death. He was then hung from a tree outside and he did not survive. After being revived by his father he stopped aging permanently. He still got hurt and could die but time no longer reigned his master. He invents in his spare time looking to own a lab of his own just like his fathers so that someday his children and eventual lover would become untouchable by time just as he was. (Also I cant connect to the server from my tekkit can I please get some help regarding that? Is the server only up at certain times?)
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