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Posts posted by disconsented

  1. Actually it is relevant / statistic to the "measurement of performance". But, not the sole reason of such. Obviously, other things must come into account; like the architect of such processor. When comming into account with Minecraft, GHZ and Architect matters, and it matters for greater performance.

    Hz is only relevant when comparing the same micro-architecture(especially now that the Ghz war has ended). For everything else there is Benchmarking
  2. "Also rable rable lawnchair lawying rable rable" Surely you could've said what you had to say without this insulting, childish, and undermining sentence afterwards. Excuse me if I'm being to direct, hopefully you understand that I question if saying such was nescessary.

    Don't try to discern a persons intention exclusivity via text. That was not directed at you or OP. It was a quip towards the community's tendency for drama
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