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Posts posted by Geistes

  1. Now now lets not jump to any conclusions, my bees did nothing wrong thank you very much.


    Edit: Can you turn off Moonstone meteor block damage in the am2 config please? " B:MoonstoneMeteorDestroyTerrain=true" [where true do: false] I don't appreciate it blowing holes in my lawn every 5 minutes!


    Post Edit edit: I think my bees are determined to to corrupt the world and have done so again. Could you put a copy up of the crash/corruption log for me to pick apart?  I would like to continue with my precious, precious bees.. and thus I would appreciate knowing what causes the issue.  I did a quick check on my setup and there is nothing noteworthy that may cause a crash. However, it seems to only happen shortly after breeding a 'Wight' Bee. 


    Ladies and gentlemen, ready your rotten tomatoes and heft them with speed at Tatters to dispel your anger at the world corruption.


    -- Tile entity being ticked --
            Name: gendustry.IndustrialApiary // net.bdew.gendustry.machines.apiary.$
            Block type: ID #2276 (tile.gendustry.apiary // net.bdew.gendustry.machi$
            Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
            Block location: World: (XXXX,XX,-XXX), Chunk: (at X,X,X in XXX,-XX; con$
            Actual block type: ID #2276 (tile.gendustry.apiary // net.bdew.gendustr$
            Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
  2. IGN) asavva

    Age) 15

    Location) Latvia

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) about 3 years, have been taking breaks though

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) i like building and mining, mostly, new mods get me excited as well


    Also, I'd like you to add a frend of mine, his info is: 




    How long have you been playing Minecraft)about 2 years

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?)he likes mining and exploring, as well as messing around with mods


    IGN) Nick1000823

    Age) 16

    Location) Illinois, US

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) Several years, on servers of all kinds.

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) Interesting modpacks and friends.


    Whitelisted all of you! Welcome aboard! 

  3. Posting for a friend, he's pretty chill.




    Location)Illinois, USA

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) 2 years

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) "Friends, plus awesome servers and modpacks"


    IGN: Torich


    Age: 27


    Location: Texas


    How many years have you been playing? Since Beta


    What keeps you playing Minecraft? New packs such as TPPI. 


    Whitelisted both of you! See you online :D

  4. IGN) Houdini3006

    Location) England

    How long have you been playing minecraft) For a long time :D

    What keeps you playing minecraft?) Learn new things, lets plays and just pure fun :D


    IGN) iMineing

    Age) 15

    Location) Illinois, USA

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) 3 years

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) Modded packs, such as Feed the Beast and Tekkit.


    I need a good TPPI server to play on thats not loaded with shit tons of plugins and text advertising shit. I hate when servers do that, and your server seems different. Also is ComputerCraft turtles banned? Please say no, I love those little guys.


    Added both of you guys to the whitelist! No ComputerCraft turtles are not banned, and @caschque I've added *github.com to the whitelisted sites.

  5. IGN) Herobryne523

    Location) Earth

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) "year and a half maybe?"

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) New servers, awesome updates and the joy of freebuild.

    Just applying for my cousin :)


    IGN: techstar

    Age: 15

    Location: Netherlands

    How long have you been playing minecraft: Since the beta 1.8

    What keeps you playing minecraft: Mostly the mods but also the new feuteres like the water boss 


    Added both of yall to the whitelist! See you online!

  6. IGN) xXHunter16Xx

    Age) 16

    Location) BC Canada

    How long have you been playing Minecraft)  I have been playing Minecraft for 4 years

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) Mostly just playing and interacting with other players and community. I really enjoy the multi-player aspect of the game and I look forward to hopefully seeing you on the server!





    Added you to the whitelist, welcome aboard!

  7. Hey, Geistes. Just wanted to tell you I believe TPPI 2 has been unofficially released. I don't think its on the launcher yet, but https://github.com/TPPIDev/TestPackPleaseIgnore2


    Edit:Im having a problem with the IRC. I connect, and whenever I try to say something, it says '' '' is an unknown command. Help! 


    Just skimming this before I sleep. This is just the Github repo for TPPI2, which in itself has been around for a while. Unless there was a post somewhere stating a commit number that would be considered a "(Pre)Release", this is just what work they have done on TPPI2 so far.

  8. IGN: BWilder98

    Age: 16

    Location: Washington, USA


    How long have you been playing Minecraft?

    -I have been playing Minecraft for a few years.


    What keeps you playing Minecraft?

    -I enjoy learning new things, especially in the context of modded minecraft. Ialso apprciate the experience that comes with multiplayer and the oppertunities it can bring.


    IGN) saker277

    Age) 21

    Location) USA

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) Almost 5 years

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) Exploring all the possibilities with mod packs. I love building complex systems that use many mods functioning together. 


    IGN) diamondeye83

    Age) 16

    Location) Florida, US

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) almost 5 years

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The new mods and innovations that both other people and I can come up with and the vast power of creativity that the game gives you.


    IGN) _Matchez_

    age) 25

    location) Nebraska

    how long have you been playing minecraft?) on xbox on and off for about 1 year or so, first time on a computer

    What keeps you playing minecraft?) good time killer, addicting and fun, and convincing friends ;)


    IGN) divaa

    Age) 17 

    Location) USA

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) 2 years 

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The thing that keeps me playing Minecraft is the opportunity I have to try new things with mods and meet new people. 


    Added all five of you to the whitelist, welcome aboard!

  9. IGN) Nikola25

    Age) 20

    Location) Canada

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) Since minecraft beta 1.5

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) Different mods and ideas for building.


    IGN) aaronjohnson680

    Age) 13

    Location) California, USA

    How long have you been playing Minecraft) Since Alpha :o

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The community and the great people who you play with and the amazing collaboration that takes place.


    Added both of you guys to the whitelist :D Welcome aboard!

  10. IGN) bobhero




    Location) Macau, China


    How long have you been playing Minecraft) Somewhere like 1.8 beta


    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The multiplayer and freedom the game. Also the people in some other friendly servers


    IGN) spideyroc1

    Age) 14


    How long have you been playing Minecraft) I have been playing MInecraft since Mid Beta

    What keeps you playing Minecraft?)  MInigames, Modpacks, and new Updates keeps me playing and coming back. When a new update, mod or minigame comes out I get in the game so much and just have so much fun.


    Added you both to the whitelist! Welcome aboard ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ

  11. IGN) TattersTale


    Age) 23


    Location) Washington, Usa


    How long have you been playing Minecraft) Sometime since the early Alpha stages if I recall.


    What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The multiplayer. Minecraft gains so much more magnitude through multiplayer. Single player is infinitesimally smaller in content and lacks  the communication with other players thats keeps me going. That, in addition to the unfathomable amount of things to do in this game, especially in the context of a group!


    Thank you for considering my application~




    Added you to the whitelist :D See you online!


    IGN: martiskx


    Age: 16


    Location: The UK


    Time Played: 3 years


    I keep playing because I like learning how new mods work and the best part is that I like playing in a group, it's much more fun than playing alone :)



    Geistes, can you whitelist these two people for me?


    IGN: Sniper_Hauss89, roblox6447


    Age: 20, 14


    Location: US


    How long have you been playing Minecraft: Sniper: beta 1.7.3, roblox: 1.4.7


    What keeps you playing Minecraft: Sniper: Its the most diverse game in the world, it gives you many opportunities when you add mods. roblox: Everytime there is a new update, it provides something new. Every mod has something different to offer.


    I hope you can add them to the server. :D


    Alrighty, No problems ZanZekk. I've added martiskx to the whitelist along with Sniper_Hauss89 and roblox6447. I'll see all of you guys online, have a merry christmas everyone.

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