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Posts posted by AliasXNeo

  1. Greetings,

    I have put together a custom pack as follows:

    pack folder /

    - config /

    - mods /

    - modpack.jar

    The modpack.jar is the latest Forge 1.6.2 universal JAR filed renamed accordingly. After uploading this ZIP file and pointing the launcher to it, it seems to download everything okay but when it goes to launch Minecraft it just launches it vanilla style (Forge doesn't load). One of the big differences I noted from my existing installation and the Technic version is the version file looks rather different. Does the Technic Launcher know which appropriate version.json to download for Forge?

    Any suggestions are much appreciated. Cheers.

  2. I'm curious what makes you so certain, and why you felt the need to say this even then.

    My conclusion is based off of several personal conversations with slowpoke regarding various things including modding, permissions, and custom servers. His logic was so beyond flawed I could only assume he was either mentally impaired or simply not mature enough to know any better. At one point I had compiled a rather extensive list of evidence of why software licenses exist, why they are necessary, and why people distributing software should abide by them. He responded with a completely immature and childish temper tantrum and essentially told me to fuck off (this was in regards to his absurd rule of requiring written permission on licensed software).

    The recent rumors I've heard of FTB trying to move to a business model has me rather interested because with slowpoke at the lead it really has no hope of going anywhere.

  3. I wouldn't get all worked up over FTB. I've had plenty of completely retarded interactions with Slowpoke before. The kid wouldn't know how to read a software license if you slapped him over the head with it. I'm sure he's some 13-year-old wanker who's had way too much power go to his head, because that's exactly what he acts like every time I have the misfortune of reading his posts.

    I've already thrown this mod into my FTB pack, and I'm sure other people will too.

  4. Not until I get the wiki page done. Right now, the details are in the changelog, you can use something like NEI to get the recipe, and feel free to ask questions here.

    Well I was messing around with them and couldn't figure out how they work.

    1) Do they work with template carriages?

    2) How do they know which one to link to?

    3) How do you activate them?

    4) Will it let you know at all if it's having trouble teleporting?

    Alright, so I got it to work with the standard carriage frames. I'm guessing template frames are simply not supported?

  5. For interesting parties here's a not-so-great-looking-but-functional CC program for moving a certain direction a certain number of times. Since the computer restarts after every transit it was a little tricky to get it down. It's actually two programs (the program and a startup program). Here's the source:


    local args = {...}
    if #args < 2 then
      print("Usage: move [perhipheral side] [direction] [count]")
    side = args[1]
    dir = args[2]
    times = args[3]
    dirtonum = {down = 0, up = 1, north = 2, south = 3, west = 4, east = 5}
    if peripheral.isPresent(side) == false then
      print("The carriage motor is missing on the " .. side .. " side.")
    if times ~= nil then
      paramsf = fs.open("moveparams", "w")
      paramsf.writeLine(side .. " " .. dir)
      drive = peripheral.wrap(side)
      drive.move(dirtonum[dir], false, false)
      paramsf = fs.open("moveparams", "r")
      if paramsf == nil then
        print("You must supply a count!")
      count = paramsf.readLine()
      args = paramsf.readLine()
      drive = peripheral.wrap(side)
      drive.move(dirtonum[dir], false, false)
    paramsf = fs.open("moveparams", "r")
    if paramsf == nil then
    count = paramsf.readLine()
    args = paramsf.readLine()
    newcount = count - 1
    if newcount == 0 then
      shell.run("rm moveparams")
      print("Move complete")
    paramsf = fs.open("moveparams", "w")
    shell.run("move " .. args)
    move [side motor is on] [direction to go] [# of spaces to move]
    move right north 3

  6. Re: [Tekkit 3.0.3 - V3 R1] WorldGuard Support -- [RELEASED]

    Ill update the flag tables to allow machine usage when i get time mate :)

    No problem, I was just curious if this was an intentional design or not. Also, it doesn't block accessing a charging table. Not sure if that was intentional or not either, but it could lead to other players stealing energy from people via charging tables.

  7. Re: [Tekkit 3.0.3 - V3 R1] WorldGuard Support -- [RELEASED]

    You cant, this works off the same logic that WorldGuard regions does.

    Where, if you define a region only members inside the region can use the machines/chests - break/place blocks etc.

    So in other words I am no longer able to protect a region without also preventing machine usage? I feel like WorldGuard was not designed this way as there's a flag (use) dedicated to limiting or not limiting this functionality. The only reason I bring this up is because my world has a public area where beginners can use some basic IC2 machines to help get them started. This no longer works because now they can't access the machines unless I give them access which would just of course lead to griefing.

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