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Posts posted by LovelyMimic

  1. Placing one or more (vanilla) Netherrack blocks in the inventory of a (powered) Modular Socket (which are from, I believe, Engineer's Toolbox specifically) that has a Grinder installed and configured to grind items in that same inventory crashes minecraft. Furthermore, the game will crash whenever it loads in such a socket with an inventory containing Netherrack; being in the chunk is enough to cause a crash. In server multiplayer (where I first encountered this issue), this bug crashes the server.

    The bug seems to be specific to netherrack blocks and the grinder module: Other ungrindable blocks (such as wood, dyed clay, soul sand, and leaves) can be placed in the Grinder Socket's inventory without issue, and a Socket with a furnace can bake the Netherrack into bricks without any problems.


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