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Posts posted by MythTheWolf

  1. I have seen a couple of these floating around, but none of them seem to fit my use case, so I made one.

    As of now it will structure mods into proper zip files and repo folders. It will also allow you to insert mods and versions into the database, and update builds with the newly inserted mods.
    It will not upload to your server automatically, but it gives you a nice folder that you can upload the contents of, and it'll "just work". It calculates MD5s and updates them in the database for a nice and easy transition. As of now, it will guess the mod name and version based on the jar name. It discriminates names and version by a hyphen. 
    Good Example:
    appliedenergistics2--rv6-stable-6.jar  => name: appliedenergistics2, version: rv6-stable-6
    Bad example:
    advanced-machines-61-0-1-jar => name: advanced version: machines-61-0-1-jar
    I plan on adding a override for this later on, and the program will run fine, but if you want proper names, name your jars accordingly!
    The program will ask you if you want to set pretty names. If you say yes, it will ask for a pretty name for each mod to insert. Otherwise, it will stick to the naming scheme like above.
    This program requires solder to run on MySQL, so please make sure you have a remote account ready for the database solder runs on. If you want to update builds with this program, you will need to know the build IDs. 
    This is NOT a gui, you need to run it via a console.

    Screenshots of use:




    Feel free to ask questions or give feedback. And no, the program doesn't save your database info. Here's the source: https://github.com/MythTheWolf/SolderAutomate/blob/master/src/com/company/Main.java


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