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Posts posted by Sp0nge

  1. So ... its been a long long time since ive posted here. And im not posting with joy.

    Im back to post that TekkitCraft will as of next saturday shut down for good. Its been a blast while it lasted, but however we dont have the resources to continue the server, nor the will.

    Its time to move on, and even if there are players that are willing to continue the legacy, that will have to be done after this, TekkitCraft will shut down permanently without anyone taking over, etc etc.

    I know many might feel thats unfair, but i however want TekkitCraft to be known "as is", even if it could be even alot better with someone else in charge.

    When its time, ill request this post closed for all eternity but not deleted (hey I do like to go back and read on it from time to time, spent 1 year on this after all).

    And for final words: Tekkit, you guys opened up a communitydoor, even if alot of haters walked through it, that all were for the better. I might never liked how you guys did your stuff myselfe, but it was a portal to reach players easy without the part of "howto install mods" etc. Thanx for that, that cant be put a price on!

    Signing out (for now)

    Johnny aka Sp0nge

  2. Where are you getting that "Current MCPC build for 1.4.2 is discontinued," I understand that Alpha was not planning on keeping it going threw all the updates, but you cannot just assume that it will stay dead...even after the origial post of "MCPC is Dead" on the mcpc forums you saw the community (Hint Alpha) take the time to continue the project. So the real point of this post is not to say "Hey! ForgeBukkit is for 1.4.2!" but rather show that no matter what happens there is always going to be that one guy or group that comes out of nowhere to "save the day." So this negative post saying that it should just be left alone is just a waste of time, because you cannot be sure that someone isn't trying their hand at the next version as we "speak."

    Everyone just try and stay positive about this topic, if it indeed dies out, then there is no need for anyone to say it.

    Also, a lot of plugins do just work with this version, only a few need to be checked. Essentials for Example, and still that only took a total of what....4 lines of Code to Fix...Anyone that can decomplie a plugin can take 5 mins to Copy/Paste from a tut.

    Sorry for the real late reply :)

    I knew that since i talk to Alpha at a daily basis as he is our serverdev. But im glad to see that someone has taken over the project, thats really awesome!

  3. Current MCPC build for 1.4.2 is discontinued, Alpha didnt make it to "rescue" anything for 1.4.2, it was of own interest. But sparetime aint always around, and well, not that many pullrequestst were made to help sort out the build, so its still has a few faults, and as i know, it wont be updated for somethint that works.

    So the MCPC 1.4.2 build discussion should be left dead.

    In regards of Forge, its up to pluginmakers to make it compatible with it. Its totally possible, it just havent happend yet. We also have a 1.4.2 server runnning, with custom mods for landprotection etc. However, as stated, the popular plugins needs to make them selfe compatible, untill then, its mostly vanilla or bukkit for most people.

  4. Sorry for the connectionissues, but thats not really our fault. Our server is hosted in the US, and are affected by some bad wheater over there and we really cant do anything about that. Our TPS still have to drop under 16 TPS even with chunkgeneration (you can do /lag ingame to see the current TPS)

    And only parts we have removed/dissabled are related to autimatic EMC generation (thats our choise to keep EE with following nerfs related to that).

    And thats true. our webpage could prob be alot more uptodate, but its ingame that it happends, and what we do on our website is forumrelated 99% of the time. We never claimed to be easy ;)

  5. We had several banned the last 30h for this case. Also players that did it after 1h playtime. I highly doubt this is just our server, and i guess alot of other servers aswell have this. Its been around all since this version of Tekkit, so its actually real old.

    No bugs are Tekkitbugs, all bugs are modrelated, so that point kinda falls to its own death there imo. Its you that failed to do the 120 seconds of your time to test this, and wanted proof. Guess if you used less time arguing, and more time testing etc the world would be a better place :)

    Edit: And im not throwing, really, are you that slow?

  6. It seems like a dupebug has to be explained in full in order to be taken seriouse. So you want me to post who this easy due works in an open forum? You might be one of the players interested in getting this to work for yourselfe? All serverowerns can just PM me, and ill write those 2 lines on howto do it if needed. Most serverowners should infact figure this one out themselfe with this clue (prob players aswell).

    If you think im trolling, you just think so. I really dont care about what you think. The dupebug is real, and you know what item is involved. Go check it out yourselfe in SSP. Gl hf

    Edit: SSP only shows it visually, its only in SMP it dupes

  7. All serverowners should straight away set tankcarts in Railcraft to 0 (aka dissable them). There is a dupebug related to those, that is as bad as some of the EE dupebugs out there.

    To dissable goto the configfolder, railcraft and open railcraft.cfg. Search for entity.cart and find

    # change to 'entity.cart.tank=0' to disable

    # if Buildcraft is not detected there will be no recipe to make the cart


    Just set this to 0, restart the server, really, this is a bad dupebug.

    Edit: Not posting "howto" dupe since players prob read this pre serverowners. I can explain it in PM if needed, but it should really not be hard to figure this one out ...

  8. A clean LWC should have 0 issues whatsoever. We have used LWC for a real long time now, and well, it works perfectly. Really, get a hold of the server configfiles, check the ID there, then go into the client, look at the ID there. Also, any change of loadorder of the mods might make conflicts. Make shure mods if updated are still loaded in the correct order.

    Also check the Monitors GUI, that prob also is a missmatch in the ID

  9. A clean LWC should have 0 issues whatsoever. We have used LWC for a real long time now, and well, it works perfectly. Really, get a hold of the server configfiles, check the ID there, then go into the client, look at the ID there. Also, any change of loadorder of the mods might make conflicts. Make shure mods if updated are still loaded in the correct order.

    Also check the Monitors GUI, that prob also is a missmatch in the ID

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