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Status Replies posted by holymage!

  1. Grandpa died of cancer today :(

  2. Help, I'm trapped in a

  3. Have you by chance launched leauge since the new Syndra skin came out?

  4. Have you by chance launched leauge since the new Syndra skin came out?

  5. Suddenly,

    1. holymage!


      Let the rain fall down
      and wake my dreams
      let it wash away my sanity

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. Doesn't microsoft sound like something a girl would say to you?

  7. No, I don't think you understand. I *NEED* all of these touhou widgets on my phone's homescreen.

  8. No, I don't think you understand. I *NEED* all of these touhou widgets on my phone's homescreen.

  9. Qui est ton petit chou?

  10. Qui est ton petit chou?

  11. It's finally not 10 degrees outside. There is a god.

  12. It's finally not 10 degrees outside. There is a god.

  13. Dat swaaaaaaang. Dang. It gots dat swang.

  14. Too many midi-chlorians.

  15. Love the new forum software! I feel so special now that I get ~1 notification per minute.

  16. Let the notification spam-o-palooza commence. *airhorn*

  17. Apparently I am not allowed to have any weapon who's AOE is larger than it's range.

  18. Gonna love no ids in 1.7 mods

  19. Gonna love no ids in 1.7 mods

  20. Stupidstupidstupid.

  21. My dishwasher quit working. So how am I supposed to play minecraft when I can't find the key to this door that I lost my way outside after shoveling snow in the freezer that had a pizza earlier... no idea where that is now that I can finally reach my toes but can't see where that light bulb burned out.

    1. holymage!


      byte might be right

      i've heard of these tide pods being able to get rid of that gunk as well

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. haha, 2222 posts.

  23. Stop messing about and just give me ahri. pleeeeeaaaaaassseeee.

    1. holymage!


      Fun fact of the day: i was 2 weeks late and my parents were getting worried i would be born on Halloween...

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  24. Stop messing about and just give me ahri. pleeeeeaaaaaassseeee.

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