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[TP][MOMEPack] MO.ME CORP [PvE][52 Slots][Whitelisted][Bukkit,GriefPrevention, LWC, CoreProtect, RP2

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Thread title:
White List Application

How old are you?:

How often are you available and in what timezone?:
Variable availability. GMT -6:00

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?:
Tekkit about 3 months/Minecraft Don't remember when I started. It's been awhile.

Previous bans (include reason):
No previous bans ever.

How did you hear about us?:
A friend.

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?:

Why would you be a good addition to the server?:
I already was.

Additional Notes:
I was already a part of the server and founded the town ViridianPoint along with a few friends.
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Thread title: Application-chickenjason123 (Edited)

How old are you?: 15.

How often are you available and in what timezone?: +8 GMT.

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: tekkit: 2-3 months; minecraft: over a year.

Previous bans (include reason): None.

How did you hear about us?: Browsing
Pack forums.

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Although "Rules" link in your blog is dead, I would still follow the server rules.

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I might operate a farming corp. to supply everyone with farm produce. Also I will help other new players on starting their own business and ingame life. (Edited)
I will develop the world while keeping it's landscape. ie. quarrying underground and marking it for regen. after it's depleted. In-game eco-friendly and keeping the server looking good is paramount. Will aid in server projects if needed.

Additional Notes: ~3 months of admin experience on a medium vanilla server (~ 80 registered players, avg 15 online player) before the server getting deserted due to bugs.
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Thread title: White List Application.

How old are you?: 17.

How often are you available and in what timezone?: Almost every day / +1 GMT (Yeah i'm french :P).

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: 2 month of Tekkit and now about 2 years of Minecraft.

Previous bans (include reason): None

How did you hear about us?: Browsing Technic Pack forums.

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: I surely did mate !

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I got a lot of Tekkit project (Cobblestone factory, Energy Storage or Mining), I'm a good builder and i'm quite a friendly player that like to build things with others. I totally love the natural look of Minecraft and i'll make my best to protect it ! (For example i hate these awful quarry holes ^^' ).

Additional Notes: 1 Year of server administration/moderation. As i'm french i can't understand everything when English people are talking to me but if it's written i will understand almost everything :).

My IG name: vladoo.

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IGN: Derrickspartan1

How old are you?:15

How often are you available and in what timezone?:Eastern Daylight Time and Im Available from 10am-3pm is when im not working and once school starts from about 6pm till 9pm

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: For about 2 years now

Previous bans (include reason):
Havent played much smp to be banned on

How did you hear about us?: I was looking for a server on technicpack forums

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: yes

Why would you be a good addition to the server?:* Ive got the ambition to make factorys and do my best to help others in technical assitence

Additional Notes: I LOVE HALO
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Derrick and Vladoo, welcome to the server! You have both been Whitelisted.

Qronny, can you elaborate more? We're looking for some more details on why you'd be a good addition too the server so we can get to know our players and possibly find a town that fits you :)

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Thread title: application - Last_Dying_Hour

how old are you:? 17

how often are you available and what timezone:? pretty often throughout the day

how long have you been playing tekkit / minecraft?: a year

previous bans:? none

How did you hear about us?: a buddy of mine

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: yea buddy

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: Im an experienced tekkit player who loves to build cool things and I play nice with everyone

Additional Notes: I hope for fun times ahead

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Thread title: White list application - ZionRx

How old are you?: 18

How often are you available and in what timezone?: PST / -8 GMT

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: ~2 1/2 years vanilla, and played Tekkit ever since it came out.

Previous bans (include reason): 1 for greifing, but it was 2 years ago and I was dumb back then.

How did you hear about us?: TechnicPack forums

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yes

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I want to help everyone [mainly new people] out by making a public machine shop, but never got around to doing it when I was playing before.

Additional Notes: I still have a large amount of resources in my town Shangri-La and I wanna use them to make the machine shop once I am able to get back on. :D

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Thread title: MO.ME application

How old are you?: 17

How often are you available and in what timezone?: EST / 10+ hours a week

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: A year or so on vanilla, and i've started tekkits quite recently, but im very willing to learn the ins and outs of it.

Previous bans (include reason): Never banned once

How did you hear about us?: Technicpack forums

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yes

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I'm very in to machinery and electronics, and the fact that minecraft has tekkit is extraordinary. I have watched (many hours) of yogscast, and i love what they do there. I love the fact that you can make companies/factories/shops, and i plan to make them. I'd say im good with redstone, not a wizard with it, but I can whip up some decent stuff, and tekkit will allow me to bring it to the next level. I really would love to make a factory or company that makes and sells stuff ( like energy, produce, mineing or tool company) or and place that provides services and help to players.

Additional Notes: As I said before, im willing to learn all about tekkit. I have dabbled in it and i have picked up a few things from yogscast. I am studying the tekkit wiki and im getting better. Im very sorry if i rambled on.

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Thread title: Application - Tisiga12

How old are you?: 15

How often are you available and in what timezone?: Between 5 to 8 hours a day, Eastern Time Zone.

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: I've played Minecraft for two years and Tekkit about five months.

Previous bans (include reason): None

How did you hear about us?: I had seen you on the Tekkit servers list.

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yes and yes.

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I've played on servers for quite a while and Tekkit has always been fun for me. I love machines and such, I also enjoy building houses and other structures. When I read the server description I thought it sounded pretty cool and that I would have fun with the people who play.

Additional Notes: Can't wait to play with you guys catch you in the game.

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Thread title:

How old are you?:

How often are you available and in what timezone?: GMT -6 / I play every day.

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: I
have been playing Tekkit for a few months. Minecraft, nearly since its release.

Previous bans (include reason): I have never been banned from a server.

How did you hear about us?: My friend invited me to join her town and so I jumped on and we created Viridian Point Hamlet.

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Absolutely!

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I am a freelance graphic artist and I like to think that I'm a decent builder. I love to play with other people and see what other people build and create. Plus, I already have a town on the server.

Additional Notes: I have really enjoyed playing on this server so far. <3

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Thread title: application attempt 2- usmarine33

How old are you?: 13 years

How Often are you available and in what timezone?: Evert day in the week 1 hour--- GMT +1

how long have you been playing minecraft/tekkit?: minecraft over 2 years and tekkit for +3 months.

Previous bans: suprems server. Tempban for destroying silverfish blocks in my own house!

How did you hear about us?: The tekkit server.

Have you read and agreed the rules: sure!

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: i like to help people set up electricity grids, and tell Them how to craft stuff. I also already have towny experience from an rp server. Further i like to build Nice houses and big factories with automated processing and if à quarry is done, i always cover the hole in dirt so no one can fall in.

Additional notes: too bad the other tekkit server i was on stopped, cuz i already had full nano armour! But this server looks good because this one DOES have equivalent exchange!

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Haye Usmarine33! I'm gladly going to Whitelist you. But You need to know EE is almost totally banned except for Phli stones (limited...no transmutation of land stones), DM and RM tools. As well as Alch bags, and currently working on Alch chests coming back into play. But welcome to the game!

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Thread title:
Application - albioncutter

How old are you?:

How often are you available and in what timezone?:
allmost all day, mountain or central

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?:
been with tekkit for about 1 year and minecraft for about 2 years

Previous bans (include reason):

How did you hear about us?:
thies forums

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: i have read every thing i could find but i tend to live by common sence

would you be a good addition to the server?:
yea i love building things and i think i would be great addition to your world

Additional Notes: i realy hate pvp so i learned to build big and good
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