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[TP][MOMEPack] MO.ME CORP [PvE][52 Slots][Whitelisted][Bukkit,GriefPrevention, LWC, CoreProtect, RP2

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Thread title:
Application - racman99

How old are you?:

How often are you available and in what timezone?:
I can try to play at least once a day

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: I have played tekkie for about 2 weeks now, and Minecraft since Beta 1.3

Previous bans (include reason):

How did you hear about us?: I went on the server after seeing the thread before it was whitelisted a week ago

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: I have played, so yes

would you be a good addition to the server?: I already played this server with my other friend before it was whitelisted and we never caused trouble and we also got along well with others!

Additional Notes: I saw Tink on the server
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Thread title: Application - simplecity2

How old are you?: 14

How often are you available and in what timezone?: UTC/GMT -5 hours

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: Minecraft, Just over a year, Tekkit, Started a week ago so im still a noob

Previous bans (include reason): None

How did you hear about us?: Was looking for a Different server and you guys fit the bill

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yes

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I bring alot of Charisma and comedy to the way i carry myself, i feel like i can also help with building even though i am new to Tekkit

Additional Notes: Hi

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Play for 2-3 hours, forgot that sorry

Thread title: Application - simplecity2

How old are you?: 14

How often are you available and in what timezone?: UTC/GMT -5 hours 2-3 hours playing time

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: Minecraft, Just over a year, Tekkit, Started a week ago so im still a noob

Previous bans (include reason): None

How did you hear about us?: Was looking for a Different server and you guys fit the bill

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yes

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I bring alot of Charisma and comedy to the way i carry myself, i feel like i can also help with building even though i am new to Tekkit

Additional Notes: Hi

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In game Name:

How old are you?:

How often are you available and in what timezone?:
1-3 hours daily, EST

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?:
6 months for MineCraft, new to Tekkit

Previous bans (include reason):

How did you hear about us?:
Chrisrader, Maiirn

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?:

Why would you be a good addition to the server?:
I like to build things! I also, love mining and will help fellow players with whatever I can help with.

Additional Notes: Chrisrader is a good friend of mine, and has been saying I need to join the server because he feels I would be an asset.
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In game name:gresh5060

How old are you?:16

How often are you available and in what timezone?: around five hours a day and EST

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: minecraft 2 years tekkit 6 months

Previous bans (include reason):yes, back stabbing friends and a hacked account

How did you hear about us?: you tube

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: yes

Why would you be a good addition to the server?: I have an extensive knowledge of all things tekkit. I'm an excellent builder. I'm also very friendly.

Additional Notes: I was once an admin that's were the back stabbing friend ban happened ( he was the owner)

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Thread title: Application - Kabodi

How old are you?: 15

How often are you available and in what timezone?: I'm in time zone GMT+8 and i am online quite often

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for 1 year plus and tekkit for 5months

Previous bans (include reason): Banned in CubicCraft/ Cubic world. The admin abused his powers and i stood up for my friend but the head admin was unreasonable, he's notorious by the way His name is : Iquf

How did you hear about us?: I saw you guys on the server List

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yeap

would you be a good addition to the server?: I don't cause trouble at all

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Thread title: Your IGN - Application- Jdawg500

How old are you?: 13

How often are you available and in what timezone?: US EST 2 hours everyday

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?: I have benn playing minecraft for about 5 months and tekkit for only 1 and a half months.

Previous bans (include reason): None

How did you hear about us?: YouTube

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yep

Why would you be a good addition to the server?:* I know some stuff about the tekkit mods but want to learn more. I am also a decent builder. I'm also mature and nice for my age. I am also good at finding and helping other players.

Additional Notes: Most servers I have been on have had griefers that nuke me so I hope this doesn't happen to anyone on the server.

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just as you registered for THIS forum...you must register for ours. And, as most , if not all, forum registration, when it asks for a password as you register...you make one UP to qualify for the specific needs of said forum.

You don't use your MC password or email password. make up a new one dedicated to this particular forum ;)

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Thread title:
Application - loopeyrock

How old are you?: 25

How often are you available and in what timezone?:
allmost all day, central

How long have you been playing Tekkit / Minecraft?:
been with tekkit for about 1 year and minecraft for about 2 years

Previous bans (include reason):

How did you hear about us?:
this website

Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: I have read all and agreed to the rules

would you be a good addition to the server?:
yes I love building and can be a real asset for this website

Additional Notes: Good with PVP but Idon't like it.
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