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Everything posted by rage652

  1. Moderator Application Name:rage652-nick bentsen Age:15 turning 16 TimeZone:eastern standard time australia +10 Skype:rage652 Any other chat program:facebook- nick bentsen TESTING Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: warn and report to owner and admins What's the Owners name?:finalcorruption Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner and admins An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?:warn and mute Somebody advertised their IP. You would?:mute ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?:because i want to help others on the server and keep it safe for kids playing What past experience as Moderator do you have?:none but i am a fast learner
  2. on behalf of final new ip address: no lag no issues
  3. bob shut it u griefed spawn and swore and staff ur not getting back on and the server will be better without u so stop posting on this thread ur not part of the community
  4. make sure u double check banned item so no one can smuggle
  5. but lag and server issues require being fixed
  6. ok guys server reset and no one is to complain it is for the best
  7. Moderator Application Name:rage652-nick bentsen Age:15 turning 16 TimeZone:eastern standard time australia +10 Skype:rage652 Any other chat program:facebook- nick bentsen TESTING Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: warn and report to owner and admins What's the Owners name?:finalcorruption Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner and admins An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?:warn and mute Somebody advertised their IP. You would?:mute ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?:because i want to help others on the server and keep it safe for kids playing What past experience as Moderator do you have?:none but i am a fast learner
  8. and final i was hoping maybe i could become mod i applied prior to shut down of original and you said that you would cast a vote if you want i can do a proper application Moderator Application Ingame Name: rage652 Age: 15 turning 16 Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): rage652 Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Nick Bentsen How long have you been playing BTR(Big Trio resurrection)?: 2 days but including original bigtriotekkit 5 months. What would you rate your Reputation on the server: hard to say because not many people play on it right now maybe 8/10. *Scenario Testing* A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: warn->mute->tempban How would you handle a bug abuser?: report the bug to higher ranked staff->monitor abuser->tempban Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: I wouldn't ban them because that is abusing staff powers and its a griefing and raiding server. Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
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