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Everything posted by rage652
Moderator Application Name:rage652-nick bentsen Age:15 turning 16 TimeZone:eastern standard time australia +10 Skype:rage652 Any other chat program:facebook- nick bentsen TESTING Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: warn and report to owner and admins What's the Owners name?:finalcorruption Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner and admins An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?:warn and mute Somebody advertised their IP. You would?:mute ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?:because i want to help others on the server and keep it safe for kids playing What past experience as Moderator do you have?:none but i am a fast learner
Moderator Application Name:rage652-nick bentsen Age:15 turning 16 TimeZone:eastern standard time australia +10 Skype:rage652 Any other chat program:facebook- nick bentsen TESTING Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: warn and report to owner and admins What's the Owners name?:finalcorruption Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner and admins An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?:warn and mute Somebody advertised their IP. You would?:mute ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?:because i want to help others on the server and keep it safe for kids playing What past experience as Moderator do you have?:none but i am a fast learner
and final i was hoping maybe i could become mod i applied prior to shut down of original and you said that you would cast a vote if you want i can do a proper application Moderator Application Ingame Name: rage652 Age: 15 turning 16 Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): rage652 Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Nick Bentsen How long have you been playing BTR(Big Trio resurrection)?: 2 days but including original bigtriotekkit 5 months. What would you rate your Reputation on the server: hard to say because not many people play on it right now maybe 8/10. *Scenario Testing* A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: warn->mute->tempban How would you handle a bug abuser?: report the bug to higher ranked staff->monitor abuser->tempban Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: I wouldn't ban them because that is abusing staff powers and its a griefing and raiding server. Timezone: Eastern Standard Time