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About jimb

  • Birthday 08/11/1949

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Dude, the problem with the paintball plugins is no-one seems to know how to get them into technic which was my question. Some say they are not compatible, so the answer to my original question is No Way I guess. Therefore I have installed several versions of bukkit servers. The current minecraft client does not work with 1.3.2 servers which is why I was looking for an older client, so I'll have to stay with 1.4.2 which seems to be working OK - I found one paintball plugin that works in 1.4.2. And no need to get snippy, your comment was totally off base and had no bearing on what I said about bukkit servers. I was writing code for Microsoft and Atari when you were shitting in diapers. If you can't be helpful shut the f@ck up.
  2. problem is I can't find a 1.2.5 client anywhere, or 1.3.2 for that matter. I have bukkit servers at all these versions because some plugins only work on older versions, but I can't find the old clients so I can't use them.
  3. p.s. I also have the 1.2.5 bukkit server with paintball added. but when technic tries to connect it says it needs mod_paintball 1.2.5 v12
  4. yes 1.2.5
  5. I've struggled for hours and can't make it work. Whenever I get it to attempt to load it crashes.
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