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Everything posted by Robytfc

  1. You do not need to apply. Just join the server. Enchantedcraft.net
  2. There is no need for you to sign up. if you are signing up on our forums though it asks you what mod pack we play and that is the captcha.
  3. Jezz if I have to say this one more time on this post I'm going to kill myself -.- 1. Head over to Enchantedcraft.net 2-1. Sign up with your minecraft username as your forum username (very important you do this) 2-2. When signing up fill in the few questions about your bans, about you and your technic/tekkit experience (This is your application so make it count!) 3. Confirm your email 4. Wait, Now our staff will be notified and will rank you as soon as they are free 5. If a mod says they accepted you wait 5 minutes and relog 6. Get playing! You can still join and play with out an account but you will be limited to what you can do
  4. Looks like I'll say it once again. Please read the post... 1. Head over to Enchantedcraft.net 2-1. Sign up with your minecraft username as your forum username (very important you do this) 2-2. When signing up fill in the few questions about your bans, about you and your technic/tekkit experience (This is your application so make it count!) 3. Confirm your email 4. Wait, Now our staff will be notified and will rank you as soon as they are free 5. If a mod says they accepted you wait 5 minutes and relog 6. Get playing!
  5. Please read the post... 1. Head over to Enchantedcraft.net 2-1. Sign up with your minecraft username as your forum username (very important you do this) 2-2. When signing up fill in the few questions about your bans, about you and your technic/tekkit experience (This is your application so make it count!) 3. Confirm your email 4. Wait, Now our staff will be notified and will rank you as soon as they are free 5. If a mod says they accepted you wait 5 minutes and relog 6. Get playing!
  6. 3.1.1, We are designing a new server post as we speak. :)
  7. Opps. Enchantedcraft.net Thanks for spotting that!
  8. Ah yeah we changed how people get their permissions, so you will need to follow this below. 1. Head over to Enchantedcraft.net 2-1. Sign up with your minecraft username as your forum username (very important you do this) 2-2. When signing up fill in the few questions about your bans, about you and your technic/tekkit experience (This is your application so make it count!) 3. Confirm your email 4. Wait, Now our staff will be notified and will rank you as soon as they are free 5. If a mod says they accepted you wait 5 minutes and relog 6. Get playing! Thanks
  9. Server if now running tekkit v3 with the new map and a few more plugins where we will be adding more very soon. Enjoy!!!
  10. We are currently building spawn for the new map on a white listed server not open to the public but here are some images.
  11. You appealed to start with and we were getting information but before we had chance to post you had posted in a least 3 other peoples ban appeals. Once we banned your main forum account you created around 3 others used to message/spam the forum shout box follow that I blocked your IP on the forums to stop you making more account. Later on you came on our TeamSpeak, where we had nothing else to say. Chat proves that you use some type of "glitch" in your words. Refusing to leave the TeamSpeak when kicked multiply times your IP was dropped. Some parts of chat below. 34966544 2012-05-06 02:43:59 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1956.9,64,872.2 /r PS the iron isa glitch 34966639 2012-05-06 02:44:04 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1956.8,64,872.2 /r Happened with wood/cobble transport pipes 34966735 2012-05-06 02:44:08 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1956.8,64,872.2 /r feeding into a full furnace 34966791 2012-05-06 02:44:11 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1956.8,64,872.2 /r full macerator * 34966822 2012-05-06 02:44:13 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1944.3,64,891.2 /r i dont want it then 34966960 2012-05-06 02:44:19 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1956.8,64,872.2 /r No i mean his portion lol 34967080 2012-05-06 02:44:25 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1944.3,64,891.2 /r its exploited 34975023 2012-05-06 02:50:55 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1943.7,64,890.3 /r and i dont do mass production cheating. Just tinytiny boosts for the fun of using th glitch 34976912 2012-05-06 02:52:19 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1947.3,58,886.5 /r Screw you t's all 99% Legit except 2-3 stacks of the iron xD 35020039 2012-05-06 03:21:48 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1984.3,81,836.3 /r ill show the mods and let them decide 35020498 2012-05-06 03:22:01 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1990.9,63,845.3 /r well i can still tell mods half of the 18 stacks were cheated and u kept em 35020544 2012-05-06 03:22:03 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1990.9,63,845.3 /r soooo 35020611 2012-05-06 03:22:05 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1986.9,63,843.8 /r maybe i will just get some booty 35020692 2012-05-06 03:22:07 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1990.9,63,845.3 /r if they dont drag 18 stacks outof ou 35021165 2012-05-06 03:22:19 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1990.9,63,845.3 /r ur fucked 35021494 2012-05-06 03:22:28 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1984.3,81,836 /r honey there is chat logs 35021753 2012-05-06 03:22:36 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1984.3,81,836 /r are you really threatening me? 35022167 2012-05-06 03:22:48 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r No, it they dont get all the cheated shit out of you 35022258 2012-05-06 03:22:51 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r You'e an accomplice 35022347 2012-05-06 03:22:54 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r and you admit it here 35022530 2012-05-06 03:23:00 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r so you'd better comply as they say here 35022592 2012-05-06 03:23:02 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r or youre fucked 35022849 2012-05-06 03:23:08 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r as you said here* 35023028 2012-05-06 03:23:11 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1984.3,81,836 /r what are you babbling 35023284 2012-05-06 03:23:19 GRRRRRRR__ Command world 1984.3,81,836 /r how am i an accomplice? 35023291 2012-05-06 03:23:19 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r If you get banned, you'll know. 35023440 2012-05-06 03:23:23 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r if you don't, you're clean. 35023719 2012-05-06 03:23:31 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r so bye 35023949 2012-05-06 03:23:37 AlucardF0Xfurry Command world 1985.9,63,846.4 /r until another day [/code]
  12. People who are applying in here, Please read the post again and go here! http://enchantedcraft.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12 --Updates-- Small amount of updates to help with server performance. Server has been optimized (is running so much smoother now) Fixed if you were getting disconnected for 10 minutes.
  13. Please apply here and read the thread. http://enchantedcraft.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12
  14. xD I get a email every time someone applys so you get ranked up pretty quick Also thank's sct and Volgarenthor :)
  15. Please apply here and read the thread. http://enchantedcraft.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12
  16. Server IP: Enchantedcraft.net http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hk7DcNTW5E
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