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About Whipptron

  • Birthday 04/05/1991

Whipptron's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. MAJOR EDIT--------------------------------------- [sOLVED] Updated my graphics and physx drivers. apparently my physX install was broken. weird that it didn't affect any other games. Now i'm running extreme draw distance with 35 fps. Thanks for Rubber duck programming with me Tekkit forums! XD Okay. My privileges dont allow me to make a new thread. so I'm responding to this one. apologies in advance for necroing this thing, but I don't know where else to go. I have an alien ware laptop too, and have the same problem, integrated graphics not working amazingly. BUT!! when I run tekkit with my nvidia card or set java.exe or javaw.exe to Nvidia graphics card in the control panel Every 10 to 15 seconds my game drops to ZERO fps for a second. I have no idea what to do and there are no posts that I've been able to find with hours of googling to help me. I'm playing on SMP by the way. I want to get it running on my nvidia card since with integrated I can only get above 20 fps if I set the render distance to short.... which takes alot of the spectacle-induced joy out of this game Edit: running latest java 7 with both 64 and 32 bit installed. Yes I had this problem before I updated from java 6. And I uninstalled java 6, so that's not the problem. Edit 2: I don't have anything resembling this problem with other games. Edit 3: Just let the menu idle for a while, it even drops to 0 FPS in the menu. No it's not my computer freezing. I'm typing this in one window while seeing my tekkit freeze and unfreeeze repeatedly in the other
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