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Posts posted by Sharktooth_58

  1. pLUhF.png

    Aseaman1 tpa spammed: a>

    Image not working...

    Can I link it?

    Link: http://imgur.com/pLUhF


    Jackedupjake griefed spawn: a>4sFB4.jpghttp://imgur.com/4sFB4


    Calotescu111 spammed because Chuble spawn-killed him


  2. Well, I just checked logs, but he diden't hack. But he spammed tons of tpas... Banned.

    Thanks, but what do you plan to do about that /tpall and everyone who was on losing their stuff? I lost my katar and morning star, my RM armor, a klein star sphere with 7mil EMC on it, my ring of arcana, my void ring, my archangels smite, my portable transmutation tablet, my philo stone, and thats about it.

  3. Spammysquid has apparently hacked the server, everyone lost their crap and its gone to hell, if we can have a rollback or something to before 10:00 am mountain time on 11/18/2012. If this is not possible is there a way that you could restore all of our items? People were blaming the tp mass kill on me because I freaked out and attacked them... I was going to donate, but I probably wont untill the server is fixed and I know exactly the perks that supporters get.


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