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Posts posted by TheTaleteller

  1. The official API statement might be from yesterday, but its still scheduled for "upcoming". I deeply hope mojang will take a deep look at all the work from forge and bukkit and cover at least all the hooks introduced there. I dont understand their laziness in this area at all. They take half a year to implement two mobs and a new boss, while mod like mo creatures bring this aspect to an entirely new level. RP, BC, IC2 ... offer technical possibilities beyond imagination and they fiddle around with redstone more "analog". Maybe some enchanting "per paper" while EE3 and thaumcraft offer stunning stuff.

    Mojang should promote the modder scene way more, even give money to the popular ones, since they put the long-time motivation into their game.

  2. or back in to the condenser witch would prevent the lag

    condensers feed by collectors tend to flood their inventory and the cells would spill on the way back.Using redpower tubes is definitely preferred.

  3. Solution A: Wooden pipe with redstone engine on the condenser, advanced insertion pipe below the geogen, putting overflow in a "waiting circle" of stone pipes. Disadvantage: Will not drop the lava cells, but may lag anyway. The pipe will flood, since the redstone engine pumps 10 times more cells the generator burns.

    Solution B: RedPower filter requesting one cell, toggled by a 10sec timer. pneumatic tubes below the geogen as well.

    Solution C: provider logistic pipe on the box, supply logistic pipe below the geogen, set to request a stack of cells, enable partial requests. Disadvantage: expensive. Advantage: very flexible when adding more generators, will not produce any spill at all.

  4. I am unfamiliar with how Technic plans it updates but... if RedPower goes to 1.4.5 does that mean Technic will have to wait until the other mods. can get there too? I assume that technic uses 1.2.5 because the other mods. are just not updated.

    Most big mods already did the step from 1.2.5 to 1.3.x and further. IMHO the present dependency chain is way to long (Vanilla->Bukkit->ForgeBukkit->MCPC) and takes way to much back and forward porting. My hope is Forge introduces all API necessary to run the important management mods making the process much shorter and lesser problematic. On the other hand I have low hope for the "upcoming" vanilla mod api to be anywhere near the possibilities of forge nowadays.

  5. Take an experiment. GeoGens have a known output of 20k EU per cell at 20EU/t. Take 6 of them in a row and hook them up on a single transformer chain LV->MV->HV->HV->MV->LV feeding an empty MFE. Beside that take a single GeoGen feeding a MFE directly. Prime the generators while the cables are disconnected and close both circuits. This setup with transformers will charge up the MFE up to 120k EU in exactly the same time the single generator charges its MFE directly.

    Now alter the construction and give every generator its own up chain LV-MV-HV feeding together a single down chain of HV-MV-LV. The MFE will end up with about 120k EU again, but it will take a little longer. Some generators will stop producing energy from time to time because the down chain can't take all the packages at this rate. Same yield lower throughput. Therefore use the same amount of transformers on each end, but unless you have a lot of sources a single chain will do, and having MFS units saves you stepping down below 512EU for the incoming feed anyway.

  6. IC2 electricity is pretty tricky. Each of your (6?) geothermals send packages of 20EU every tick towards the transformer. Each tick 120EU come in but the "voltage" still is 20EU because its the max packet size.

    The transformer (lv->mv) accumulates 128EU and sends out 1 packet that "voltage" about every 6 ticks in this example. same game goes for mv->lv. Transforming down it gets a package of 128 and sends 4 packages of 4 32EU in a single tick.

    An often mistake is to hook up a single BatBox at the end of such a line. It will get charged by 128EU each tick but can only discharge at 32EU in one tick. Therefore the BatBox will run full, jamming the energy output at the generators, which is pretty bad for nuclear reactors because those just tick down wasting uranium. You can fix this by paralleling energy storage, i.e. 6 GeoGen feed 4 BatBox.

    Another confusion is energy loss. The energy loss is calculated for each energy source individually at the FULL cable length. Say you get a MV-Solarpanel and a LV-Solarpanel hooked up at a gold cable feeding a MFE at 8 blocks and something else at 16 blocks, the Energy loss for the MV-Panel wil be 8EU even at the MFE and the loss for the LV-Panel will be the full 8EU it supplies. Counter it by using short cables chaining storage devices.

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