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About AJ5625

  • Birthday 11/29/1986

AJ5625's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Alright, thank you for your help, any idea why using the insta spawner seems to crash my client?
  2. nope, everything runs fine, its just that mobs dont spawn, and when I put down a horse spawner all that comes out is pigs console even says that its given me a horse spawner... I'm so lost
  3. Yeah, sorry, typo. I've tried the port, I could never get it to work with the server
  4. I know its possible, I have scoured youtube, and modded so many files my head hurts, I can get single player working fine, and I can see the items (like a horse saddle, or spawner) but no mobs, and the spawner spits out pigs. I've used to bukkit port 3.6.2 as well, with no luck so, I'm wondering if there is someone out there that will take pity on me, and share their modded files for either a 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 server. Thanks in advance if you can give me a hand.
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