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Everything posted by santos727

  1. sorry about the delay with accepting invitations, I was on vacation. You know Christmas, travel
  2. Do you just want a server to relax and build in.. well Wanchitong City is the place to be! FIRST 10 PEOPLE TO JOIN GET FREE SUPPLIES [MAY BE FLYING RINGS INCLUDED] I was tired of playing alone and by myself so i put this up so i could have more fun! This server will be online about 4:00pm-8:00pm on weekdays and the whole day weekends. [pacific coast time USA] All items enabled except NUKES. ALL LENSES. AND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. AND NO BLOWING UP THE SERVER!!!!!!! IP: Rules: 1 Use common sense 2 no profanity 3 there is griefing and raiding just in moderation 4 no racist-ism 5 this is a fun whine-free server.. treat it like one 6 NO BLOWING UP THE SERVER! Whitelist application: 1 your in game name 2 why you want to play on this server 3 what experience do you have in tekkit 4 how long do you play each day 5 age 6 have you ever been banned on a server before 7 how will you benefit the server 8 what is a build you are most proud of in tekkit Mod application: 1 in game name 2Why you want to be a mod 3 have you ever owned or had experience with being an op/admin/mod 4 age 5 how will you benefit the server being a mod ADMIN'S NAME IS SANTOS727 TREAT HIM WITH RESPECT
  3. My application Your in game name:santos727 Your age:24 How often are you playing: about 4-6 hours a day weekdays, and about 6-9 hours weekends. For experienced players: I have had tekkit for a very long time, my favorite build was a power facility i built out of water mills and it generated more electricity than 30 high voltage solar arrays, it worked day and night and didnt use up any reasouces than u start out with. For new players: i am not new. For everyone why do you think Verve is the server for you: I love vanilla servers and the freedom of doing whatever i want to do. I do not like it when servers are full of griefers. and i want a server that has a high maturity level with not much profanity. Additional Comments: I cant wait to be accepted and have fun on this server .
  4. jfakjfas;ldfjadkslfjakdsljfa;ldsfj PLEASE HELP ME , THIS IS MY FAVORITE SERVER
  5. answer me!
  6. WHEN I TRY TO LOGIN TO MY FAVORITE TEKKIT SERVER THIS SHOWS UP " INTERNAL EXCEPTION: JAVA.NET.SOCKETEXCEPTION: CONNECTION RESET" this is when i ty to login when i have a signal, when i login and it says communication error, it says this " END OF STREAM" PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!
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