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Posts posted by TheArmystrong62

  1. Hey, my IGN is the same as my forum name. I am 15 and live in Virginia, so I am also on the east coast. I have a Skype account and am willing to use it. I play often and have a lot of experience with Tekkit classic. I've been looking for a small server to play with little to nothing banned. I had found one like this a while back but was banned due to being falsely accused of griefing. Because of that whole situation, I am looking for a similar situation , with the key difference of not having my side of the story never heard because the moderator was friends with the one accusing me.

  2. Sorry Frequenter, I was out of state these past couple days. To clarify on the whole revenge sequence, I follow the server rules, and will usually just prank or trick them into teleporting to PVP when they have many diamonds. If you do not feel safe with either of these, I'd be happy to play it safe and get approval from a moderator or admin. Honestly, It's not a common occurrence, and if I had any reason to be mad, I would tell an op of some rank. If you give me a chance on the server like you were considering, you wouldn't catch me dead griefing or stealing unless it was on a server that allowed that. I would swear that by anything, and I just ask that you give me a chance Frequenter.

    On a side note, if you respond, I'm having surgery in less than two weeks and need to study for taking my mid-term exams a little early, so I don't know when I'll net be on. Happy Post-Thanksgiving Week everyone! :)

  3. Your In Game Name: TheArmystrong62

    Your Age:14 (Already accepted into Johns Hopkins University. So yes, I am mature, and not an idiot.)

    How often are you planning on playing: I plan on playing a lot on weekends, probably 3+ hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and when I'm not bogged down with homework, about 1/2 an hour to an hour on weekdays.

    For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building:An underground factory that mined and refined everything, converting dirt to diamonds over time, complete with hidden passageways, storage chests, and pretty much everything I ever wanted.

    For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: To gain a foothold and learn more about the ComputerCraft mod.

    For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: It doesn't have an enormous amount of server restrictions like other stupid servers do.

    Average play time: Look at the aforementioned statement on playing time. That is true,m except I have a broken ankle and for the next several months I'll be playing more frequently.

    Additional Comments: I'm not a noob, i don't grief, cheat, hack, or steal. I get revenge on anybody who offends me in some way (only if it's badly, not if they're just being a jerk.). I act more maturely than most adults (Including my teachers and divorced parents.). I wish there were more servers like this. I am an experienced server owner and wished that I could find a server with plenty of empty space and a good community. Also, as my friend Shane would say: "I like bears!". Also, I'm probably the only one in this forum that can speak a decent amount of Latin and is also learning Java programming at the same time as learning this language.

    As for your problem, try allocating more RAM, it's talking about not having enough memory.

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