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Everything posted by SuperGenoXP

  1. Your in-game name: SuperGenoXP What do you like to be called by? Geno Timezone*: Mountain How long did you play Minecraft/Tekkit?: I've played minecraft since 1.1 and tekkit since I think 1.3.2 Favorite Mod ?:Industrial Craft Why do you want to join ?:I am looking for a good balanced server with PVP where i can also build What can you offer to make this server better?(Screenshots/videos/experience*) : I will make a cake factory so everybody can have cakes! About yourself (age, gender, interests, where you're from, etc) : I'm a 13 year old male. I like playing video games such as tekkit. I am from USA
  2. Launcher Version: Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6.8 Java Version: not sure Antivirus Program: Norton Description of Problem: I have a private tekkit server with my brothers and the server computer is on a different computer( lenovo PC) its been working fine and one day I just couldn't join. It says Cannot reach Server. We are using a hamachi network. Error Messages: Cannot Reach Server Error Log:
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