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Posts posted by Ozzy

  1. Yeah, no.

    Although get a massive mob of players together and it would be informative and a lot of fun to try, on his own he'll probably go nuts. Some scale models of the major landmarks would also be cool.

  2. I spend a lot of time on computers. I did not recognise the thread title.

    Thought it was a new CSI. CSI - Garry Oldman. I would watch the tits off that.

    Oh and i'm not sure but i think there is another section for games and such.

  3. Just had a quick look. Not bad at all.

    I usually find the voice to be the most off-putting thing about these vids but you have no worries there. Having people show you round their server seems to work better IMO, makes the chat flow better rather than you just speculating on what it do, makes the tour more interesting. Might be worth doing a dry run of the server first before filming, look around a bit and rough out a basic script and get some info on the place first.This just cuts out the wandering amlessly looking at stuff which can be a bit of a turn off at times.

    Also try pimping this to the server opps on this forum (drop a few PMs) this would be win, win. You get a steady stream of stuff to film and server ops get to show off their server which can then be linked in the servers thread. I'm in the process of picking a server and as nice as pics are, a vid gives a better sense of things.

    You might also think about having two of you (you and a friend) do these vids, a bit of banter can lift a vid no end.

    Good luck dude.

  4. Just as a matter of interest why aren't sigs allowed ? Or locations for that matter. I see the mods have them but not us. I feel that sigs and such brighten up a forum and as this forum layout is uglier than my last wife, it might help.

  5. It's like VHS and beta all over again. or HDD/BluRay. Good ideas spawn "copies" for want of a better word. As a user the only hassle for me if tekkit ends is downloading FTB and losing my progress to this point. It's the same game essentially with mostly the same mods so you're not relearning a ton of info. It is actually nice to be in a position of choice as to which system to use, health competition between systems can promote inovation, just a shame all the kiddies can't play nice and share. I do understand the anger tho, my save is like 5 days old and not a big loss if I move but a save with thousands of hours logged...yeah I get that.

    I have followed the arguments back and forth both here and FTB and to be honest now it is just a dick waving contest. A sitdown, a few beers and the odd appology and this should be sorted. Unfortunatly maturity is rarer than diamonds and cannot be transmuted from refined vitriol.

  6. Ahh voice recognition software, the many hours spent shouting with increasing levels of rage at an inanimate object, eyeballs white hot with images of the soft parts of the programmers bodies being slammed in desk draws. I'm glad it's coming along a bit since then because when it is perfected it will be massivly useful. I know the 360 has some voice recog. stuff but I heard it was a bit ropey which is a shame because that tech done well in the average household will change the world.

  7. I have everything feeding directly into my energy condenser and 1 chest with 1 copy of each base component, (dusts, resin, gems etc) that act as my blueprints for swag. So as I need it, I make it. Any left over after production go back into the condenser. I hate chest clutter and like building stuff from sctatch so I wont use the energy condenser to make components or machines as that feels too much like cheating, raw materials only. Keeps it tight for space and saves getting chest sickness from all the running/spinning.

    If I were to go the chests route tho I'd have a room for the base items and automated crafting each leading into a "workshop" for tech parts and machenery, "garden shed" for outside stuff, a " kitchen" for the food, armor room... that kind of thing. All rooms big enough to store ample finished product whilst keeping them seperate and easy to find.

  8. Well, surely you'll need tons of quarries to give out to your friends. Then, your friend will destroy your house using the quarry that you just gave them. Legitimate griefing.

    I borked my first ever quarry, sliced my house and 50% of my gear and equipment away. Oh how I laughed.

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