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About andrew1256

  • Birthday 12/25/1990

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. So i have to just search them up
  2. try pressing r on something like a wood scaffold on the newest version of tekkit
  3. Ive been thinking since the toomanyitems recipe has a bug why not use something that is ment to be used at a recipe book Ive seen videos without the search bar but what if you could make it Its just a Suggestion so i don't really expect them to put it in
  4. Ive had the same problem If you are smart enough you could Use the files That you backed up before you updated and use them
  5. Title: Toomany items Recipe bug Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 Premium Java Version: 1.7.0_07 Description of Problem: When i try to press r On something like The Quarry It works but things like "RE-Battery" And "Advance alloy" "Mixed Metal Ingot" it Doesn't show Ive tried to Download the launcher again but nothing happens just the same it did before So I'm having to search up The item Recipe Error Messages: Error Log:
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