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About shajarat

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. I turned off PVP before generating a new world and it has been stable for hours CPU wise, just a bit of feedback from someone that was having the issue on multiple worlds after less then 15 minutes
  2. Yes, after destroying a few blocks on the server I see the CPU pegged at 100% and get the block flicker thing constantly. Anyone know if something can be disabled to resolve the 100% cpu issue until its sorted out?
  3. not sure this always works but it seems to have just worked for me - unload uranium - wait for night - sleep in bed - reload - POWER!
  4. yes, we are seeing this as well the reactor intermittently is working fine and if you watch it tick for 20 minutes it fine, but you leave for a little while and come back and it is still ticking and consuming the cells but is generating no power...you pull cells and replace them again and it still generates no power. I have yet to find a why to get it generating again, seems if I wait long enough to replace the cells it starts working again. I have a chunk loading block under it and it still seems to stop, and I am pretty sure I have had it stop while I was looking at it once as well, so not sure what is going on with it
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