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Everything posted by Andrew.Danse

  1. Is there any special format I need to follow or just dump the mod names in there?
  2. ...I...what? So you're trying to connect to a server but you get an error that you're missing some mods or what? I don't understand the question.
  3. Ok, fair enough. One more question, how do I blacklist [buildCraft] and [RedPower. I can't seem to find any entry in the config file to blacklist mods...or anything for that matter.
  4. I need a plugin for logging blocks that are destroyed with the possibility of undoing the damage. So far I used CoreProtect, but it's having some trouble with Tekkit blocks(...which plugin doesn't ) So, I want to know if it's possible to either add the Tekkit block IDs to CoreProtect or if there's any other plugin that works well with Tekkit(and preferably doesn't eat CPU and RAM like there's no tomorrow) and, if possible, uses sqlite or no db at all, if that's even possible.
  5. You're not using the right version of tekkit. Ask the owner which version he's using and downgrade or upgrade your tekkit launcher to that version.
  6. I've been searching for a plugin to restart my server every X hours. So far I've found this little plugin http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/smart-restart/files/- it was the only one with 1.2.5. The problem is I'm semi-retarded when it comes to Linux, I only know the basic commands to get around. The guy who built the plugin has a script there: #!/bin/sh BINDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -fn "$0")") cd "$BINDIR" while : ; do echo "run server now , you can't close" java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar echo "Restart after 5 seconds , you can close now" sleep 1 echo "Restart after 4 seconds , you can close now" sleep 1 echo "Restart after 3 seconds , you can close now" sleep 1 echo "Restart after 2 seconds , you can close now" sleep 1 echo "Restart after 1 seconds , you can close now" sleep 1 done made for Linux users. The problem is I have no idea how to set it up properly. I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 with Screen installed. Can anybody explain to me like I'm 5 how to properly setup this script?
  7. Currently I'm using craftbukkit-1.2.5-FML-R4.1-SNAPSHOT-74.jar from here - https://github.com/Doridian/CraftBukkitPlusPlus/downloads and I need WorldEdit. Since this Snapshot of CB++ is not the latest version(I'm using the 1.2.5 MC build for tekkit aka the 3.1.2 server build), which snapshot of WorldEdit should I use? I THINK I should use the CB 1.3.1-R2.0 CB 1.3.1-R1.0 CB 1.2.5-R5.0 game version one, aka version WorldEdit 5.4.2... This is really confusing... Oh, and also, SHOULD I be using that snapshot of CB++ for 3.1.2 build? Is there another one that would be best to use?
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