This server seems to be set up well except for a few things. I joined and the spawn was amazing, I love the lighting effect they added when you first join. Plugins seem to be set up good and a few of the members welcoming. After I saw that the server has potential I invited my friends to join me. First two did fine, I had them follow me 3,000 blocks away from the spawn area and we started mining. Most of the landscape seems to be preserved/untouched. When My final friend joined, I tped to spawn with my 3rd tp and was going to escort him to our house. Well there was a person waiting there are spawn with iron armor and a nano helmet, equipped with a sapphire sword. He jumped down and hit me once, I then tried to hit him back in defense along with my friend. My friend and I were both told there was no pvp allowed in this area (spawn) yet our attacker could attack us. Server seems to be an alright server, needs some work. I asked if there were staff on and a few people with partner before their name answered me. Listing rules to me after I asked. There are rules not seen on here or in spawn that they told me. One is not allowed to attack a person with a gold helmet?!? No using pvp protected areas to avoid pvp. My attacker attacked us and we could not fight back! I see now why they spawn camp. If you are a admin you get free food, tools, weapons, armor, etc Because no one can attack you! This server needs work, I am sorry for the negative reply.