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Posts posted by itsmanda2011

  1. this server is the worst tekkit server ive played on so far, theres a bunch of admins flying around with nukes and lightning and

    there is NO WAY to protect your house and the players are a bunch of spawn camping noobs that pick on new players.

    but through all of that the owner was preety kind for giving me my stuff back when i died only to lose it to a flying admin going around nuking where ever i go, i suggest you think carefully about who you give your admin powers to because they over use their powers and ruin the server.

    actually, the admins r all fair, i have never seen them abuse their powers, and i was hanging out with them last nite, like, all nite. they are very fair, and give warning if you are doing something wrong. this is the best sever, and the best admins and mods that can b found. i love this server. its amazing

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