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Green Calculator

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Posts posted by Green Calculator

  1. Age:16

    IGN: wiimanic1

    Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned:Yes, in Vanilla Minecraft. There was a confusion with one of the server plugins: MCBans, where it took my account as a alternate of another account. I have tried to appeal for it, but the MCBan admins kept asking for a receipt of Minecraft, which isn't possible since I bought the game online when it was in Alpha 1.7ish. Other than that, I am clean on Tekkit.

    Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences): The main reason that I want to be on this server is because, over the previous summer, me and a couple of my friends had a private white-listed server, only about 6-8 people on it, and we had a blast because there was no restriction and since we were small there were no greifers, no trolls, etc. What I am getting to is I prefer smaller servers over large servers. I have tried to go on to multiple "regular" servers that are small, but they all fill up within a matter of weeks, so at that point playing on the server is pointless. I have tried 3 other white-list servers but as soon as I post, the server "shuts down for 15 weeks" or reverts back to Vanilla. So that is why I am here. The fact is, I like smaller servers, because I feel like I am contributing, where everybody can see me and notice my work, where as with 128 player slot server, who is going to appreciate my work? I might as well dig a hole and get the same amount of appreciation as I would by building the Great Wall of China.

    Why should we accept you to this server (5-6 Sentences): I have found Tekkit to be quite amusing and I have a long Tekkit experience. When I was in my private server, me and my friends learned multiple tricks and interesting things. I like to offer my knowledge to new people, and crack a good joke every now and then. While I am still learning the full potential of Red Power and Computer Craft, I am proficient in a lot of the major mods. Ex) EE, BC, IC, etc. I like to be included the community when ever possible and like to contribute to community projects. Overall, I am a great person to have around.

    Have you read and studied the rules:Yes. I do have one question. Some times people point out to me that "hell" and "crap" are cuss words. Can you evaluate on how tolerant you are with cussing?

    What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences): Seeing that this server is beta testing, I will make myself useful in anyway possible. I will contribute to any/all projects that the community is working on. I will give my fair shares of ideas, and give my opinion on some ideas, good or bad. I will try my best to help fellow members and will provide my insight on whether their idea needs improving and help with such improvements. I will create some building/ideas, and will take all the criticism necessary to make it better. I will help to make the server strive. In the end, it IS all about having fun, right?

  2. X1pFo.png

    Hi guys/girls Thank you for taking the time to read my thread about ChopNix.

    Server ip : ChopNix.com

    Forum address: ChopNix.info

    Online: 24/7

    Now 80 slots

    12 gb ram 8 core

    The server has recently gained a new rank. 'Newb-Player' this is the rank that you will go into when you first join. To move from this rank all you need to do is register on our forum and make 1 post.


    A picture of the market.

    This is a now hosted on a 12gb dedicated server and I feel that it can run 80 slots very well.

    Our server is now hosted in the united kingdom. We have quite a nice community and a strict no 'griefing' policy.


    A view of spawn with PvP Right and Spleef left

    We have a number of plugin to enhance, entertain and secure players at chopnix.

    • Censorship - This is to help filter profanity and make some genuine funny mistakes.
    • Comfort - This lets you sit on stairs as if they were chairs.
    • CommunityBridge - fantastic plugin to link a forum and server.
    • CoreProtect - This helps to rollback changes either accidental or intentional.
    • DeathTPPlus - Allows you to tp back to your death point for a fee.
    • DynamicBan - Simple ban system.
    • DynMap - I think this has to be one of the greatest plugins period, Oh and it shows a map.
    • essentials - Basic commands rules ect in game.
    • Griefprevention - A great self serve area protection system.
    • HungerBarGames - A nice hunger Games Plugin :)
    • iConomy - An economy plugin :/
    • Lwc - [thanks greedseed] Chest, Door and block locking.
    • Minequery - Allows the server to relay stats back to the forum.
    • Mobarena - Fight waves of mobs and win prizes.
    • MobBountyReloaded - This pays you for killing mob's.
    • Stargate - [i love this plugin] Portals with custom destinations.
    • TekkitCustomizer - Block and item restriction/removal.
    • TekkitRestrict - Good item limiter.
    • VanishNoPacket - Shhh player's do not know about this one.
    • Votifier - Rewards for your votes.
    • WorldBorder - Making sure there is an edge to the map.
    • WorldEdit - Helps with area selection.
    • Worldguard - Area protection.

    There is also a 5 plugins security and server cleaning related that I am not willing to Release the names of.


    We are looking for players of all age's and experience levels to come and play at ChopNix. The only players that will be turned away are rule breakers and griefers.


    The rules are pretty basic and mostly common sense yet are here to keep chopnix nice:


    • 1. Griefing is an instant ban.
    • 2. Respect all players.
    • 3. No spamming the chat.
    • 4. Respect the buildings of others.
    • 5. Any attempts to drive out members from our server will not be treated lightly.
    • 6. Do Not misuse the protection system.
    • 7. Do not steal.
    • 8. Falsely claiming to be part of staff, and/or impersonating a staff member will result in a permanent ban.
    • 9. Do not exploit the server/plugins. If you find a plugin exploit, you are expected to report it immediately. If you take advantage of that exploit, you will be permanently banned.
    • 10. Do not play with multiple accounts/names.
    • 11. If Staff suspects the use of x-ray to obtain items by a member, or other means of cheating, the Staff has the right to empty that member's chest and/or inventory.
    • 12. Do not share items if you are creative. Violation of this rule will result in a ban.
    • 13. No Surface mining.
    • 14. Administrators/Owners may remove a players rank without disclosing the reason.
    • 15. Foul language will not be tolerated this is a family server.
    • 16. No Trolling (at all)
    • 17. The Owners/Admins word is final.


    This is the part that lost me a few players and may deter some player from signing up. But I feel that with these items un-banned the balance, security and end game of the server is completely destroyed. The banned item list was recently revised and changed.


    Banned item list

    Sign me up.


    There is no sign-up place.


  3. IGN:wiimanic1

    Timezone: PST (California)

    Age:16 (turning 17 in a couple of weeks :D)

    Why do you want to play on our server: I had an experience with my friends once where we had our own private server, and I really enjoyed the experience. What I am getting to is that I want to go on a server where I can trust everyone and everyone knows and trust me. I like server where the admin and the community members are close together, where we can trust each other.

    Have you ever been banned: Yes and no. In Vanilla Minecraft, yes. In Tekkit, no. In Vanilla Minecraft, I was accused of being a alt. account for a guy named "funny0vids", and perma-banned from all MCban servers due to this. So technically I didn't do anything wrong, and I have tried to appeal for this ban but they keep asking for a receipt for this game, which is impossible because I bought the game in Alpha 1.7ish. I highly doubt this will discourage you, in reality I did nothing wrong.(you can check MCbans to see if i really was banned, and if my reasoning is legit.)

    Month: Dec.

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