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About nickth2009

  • Birthday 11/22/1985

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Come on guys I've been trying to fix this for 3 hours can I please have some help
  2. Hi, I've got my MV Solar array hooked up to MFSU and it's powered to 10,000,000/10,000,000 EU and it's going out through HV->MV->LV and then going up through a hill with glass fibre cable but none of my machines are being powered by it. Can someone please help? I've uploaded a few pictures. http://imgur.com/a/R9zJh
  3. I have a HV Solar Array with the power being converted to LV and it goes to my lights. All of the MSFU's that store the energy convert to LV and run to the luminators. They were all turned on and just recently when I was adding more to the line they didn't power up so I decided to break and replace all the luminators and now none of them are lighting up, everything is still connected though... What's going on?
  4. I figured it out, me being such a noob, used a High-Voltage array and sent that directly to a LV transformer. But now I realized I need to go HV-Transformer -> MV-Transofrmer -> LV-Transformer
  5. Do I have to put anything in the MSFU or something?
  6. I'm a noob at wiring and stuff in tekkit... I used this tutorial here to create a water mill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LwmhlfYqgE Now I'm having a problem powering the luminators, I've got an array set up with fibreglass wire and when I connect it to the power they all explode. I've tried using a LV converter (i think that's what it was called) but it didn't do anything at all, any help?
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