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Posts posted by althalus1337

  1. Ahhh, I remember this from TPT forums. Good to do this again.

    It get corrupted into a corruptable wish.

    I wish that this reality would be rejected and substituted with my own. (Anyone get it?)

    If it gets corrupted into a corruptible wish then my wish come true, thus not corrupted.

    Reality gets substituted with your own, but due to your lack of knowledge of physics the new reality can't sustain itself and collapses.

    I wish that no one else makes any more myth busters references.

  2. Right, now that everyone has taken off their tinfoil hats and has stopped speaking of conspiracy, can we finally start talking about how awesome this mod looks? Yes, excellent. But before we do I would like to welcome Soaryn to these forums. Ok, now let's talk about lasers and xychorium.

  3. I wonder how long it will take before this thread will start derailing and shutting down...

    In my experience on these forums, it is usually around post 35 to 45. But there will always be the occasional person who tries to get back on topic after this happens.

  4. Gender: [ ]Boy [ ]Girl [x] Man

    How old are you?


    Do you have a PC or Mac?

    [ ]PC


    What kinds of games do you like?









    Are you currently playing any games on a regular basis?


    [ ]No

    Name 2 games you like the most.

    Burnout 3 and Bioshock

    How many hours do you spend daily in front of the computer?

    [ ]none

    [ ]1-2 hrs

    [X]3-5 hrs

    [ ]5-8 hrs

    [ ]more than 8 hrs

    Do you consider yourself to be adicted to computer?

    [ ]Yes


    What do you like best about a game?

    Having a challenge and felling an accomplishment when beating something(or someone) in the game.

  5. Don't worry GreenWolf13, most people here hate the MC forums and quite a few of them have some good storys about why. I personally dislike the MC forums because of that "No insults" rule, if I want to call someone a "damp paper bag of puss and liquid stupidity" then I should be able without people throwing the rule book at me.

  6. Nerfing Mass fabricators would only increase the amount of time to get the ball rolling on these infinite HV Solar Arrays and would greatly slow (depending on the nerf) the creation of anything needing UU-matter (namely the, arguably overpowered, Quantum Suit) and to the more casual player of the server wouldn't then bother with creating the Mass Fabricator or the recycler. The nerfing of the Mass Fabricator would only harm the casual as the people who would want to make these HV Solar Array factories wouldn't be too bothered with the nerf as they would soon gain back the energy that they had invested in the first place.

    If the problem here is the creation of these endless HV Solar Array factories then surely the best answer would be to make HV Solar Arrays uncraftable, but then people would complain about their MV Solar Arrays taking up too much space! So here is my solution; only a certain amount of HV Solar Arrays can be in a certain area at one time. Now I don't know if there is a Bukket plug-in that can ensure that only a certain amount of block ID x in one area but I'm too lazy to check.

    Mr (Or Mrs, or Dr, or whatever) GreenWolf13, while your solution is a good one, to me it doesn't seen to solve anything.

  7. I just watched one of your videos and do you mind if I give you some constructive criticism? I'm not going to complain about how you play BTW.

    Firstly, your voice is too quiet, most of the game sounds are louder that you and I can't hear what you're saying at times.

    Secondly, no one wants to watch a count down until you wake up, so edit those parts out unless you have something important to say during that time.

    But a good let's play all the same, I might keep watching.

  8. I could have just said "thaumcraft doesn't suit technic"

    Thaumcraft is arguably the most technical mod in the pack, after all you have to research just near everything, you have to manage

    piping and storage for both vis and taint and not to mention you have to be careful about how you manage taint (some sort of radiation), as it affects the world slowly destroying and distorting the world and wildlife around you.

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