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Posts posted by ShoeLace1291

  1. I have been trying to install Cauldron on my server so I can get Bukkit plugins working. I keep getting a Java error when I start my server. Does anyone have an up-to-date tutorial on how to do this or knows what is causing this error?

    1. 27.11 15:10:15 [Multicraft] Received start command
    2. 27.11 15:10:15 [Multicraft] Loading server properties
    3. 27.11 15:10:15 [Multicraft] Starting server!
    4. 27.11 15:10:15 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Default"
    5. 27.11 15:10:15 [Multicraft] Updating eula.txt file
    6. 27.11 15:10:15 [Server] INFO Nov 27, 2018 3:10:15 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
    7. 27.11 15:10:15 [Server] INFO INFO: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
    8. 27.11 15:10:15 [Server] INFO Nov 27, 2018 3:10:15 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
    9. 27.11 15:10:15 [Server] INFO INFO: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
    10. 27.11 15:10:15 [Server] INFO Nov 27, 2018 3:10:15 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
    11. 27.11 15:10:15 [Server] INFO INFO: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
    12. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.6.4 loading
    13. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Java is OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_191, running on Linux:amd64:4.19.2-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64, installed at /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
    14. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    15. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    16. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    17. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    18. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod mrtjp.projectred.compatibility.CompatibilityCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    19. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    20. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod appeng.transformer.AppEngCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    21. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Core Init
    22. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod calclavia.lib.CalclaviaPluginLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    23. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    24. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO Warning: version of ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4-, is newer than request
    25. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    26. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblocksCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    27. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweaker net.minecraftforge.lex.legacyjavafixer.LegacyJavaFixer from legacyjavafixer-1.0.jar
    28. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod logisticspipes.asm.LogisticsPipesCoreLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    29. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    30. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod openmods.OpenModsCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    31. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] The coremod universalelectricity.core.UELoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    32. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
    33. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.lex.legacyjavafixer.LegacyJavaFixer
    34. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker@4dfa3a9d
    35. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Replacing tweaker cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker@4dfa3a9d with net.minecraftforge.lex.legacyjavafixer.LegacyJavaFixer$SortReplacement@6eebc39e
    36. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: FMLCorePlugin {[]}
    37. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: FMLForgePlugin {[]}
    38. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: DepLoader {[]}
    39. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: FMLPlugin {[]}
    40. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: MicdoodlePlugin {[]}
    41. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: DepLoader {[]}
    42. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: CompatibilityCorePlugin {[]}
    43. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: DepLoader {[]}
    44. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: AppEngCore {[]}
    45. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: CalclaviaPluginLoader {[]}
    46. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: CodeChickenCorePlugin {[]}
    47. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: LoadingPlugin {[]}
    48. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: MicroblocksCoreMod {[]}
    49. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: LogisticsPipesCoreLoader {[]}
    50. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: NEICorePlugin {[]}
    51. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: OpenModsCorePlugin {[]}
    52. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: CoreLoader {[]}
    53. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: QCFMLLoadingPlugin {[]}
    54. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: UELoader {[]}
    55. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Tweaker: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker@4dfa3a9d
    56. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Replacing tweaker cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker@4dfa3a9d with net.minecraftforge.lex.legacyjavafixer.LegacyJavaFixer$SortReplacement@6eebc39e
    57. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
    58. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.lex.legacyjavafixer.LegacyJavaFixer$SortReplacement
    59. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [LegacyJavaFixer] Replacing sort
    60. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.lex.legacyjavafixer.LegacyJavaFixer$SortReplacement
    61. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.lex.legacyjavafixer.LegacyJavaFixer
    62. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    63. 27.11 15:10:16 [Server] INFO Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
    64. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] Patcher expecting empty class data file for net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer, but received non-empty
    65. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    66. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Loaded 110 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg
    67. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    68. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    69. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    70. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Successfully Registered Transformer
    71. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [Micdoodle8Core]: Patching game...
    72. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [Micdoodle8Core]: Patching game...
    73. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    74. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    75. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    76. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    77. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    78. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    79. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
    80. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Adding AccessTransformer: nei_at.cfg
    81. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat
    82. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Loaded 51 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat
    83. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Adding AccessTransformer: wrcbe_at.cfg
    84. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat
    85. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Loaded 53 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat
    86. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Adding AccessTransformer: chickenchunks_at.cfg
    87. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat
    88. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Loaded 57 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat
    89. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    90. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    91. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    92. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
    93. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO A problem occurred running the Server launcher.java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    94. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    95. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    96. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    97. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    98. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.run(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:43)
    99. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:12)
    100. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/WorldServer
    101. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
    102. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Class.java:2701)
    103. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.privateGetMethodRecursive(Class.java:3048)
    104. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(Class.java:3018)
    105. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:1784)
    106. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:128)
    107. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:27)
    108. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO ... 6 more
    109. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.world.WorldServer
    110. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:186)
    111. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
    112. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
    113. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO ... 13 more
    114. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/World
    115. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    116. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:763)
    117. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142)
    118. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:178)
    119. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO ... 15 more
    120. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.world.World
    121. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:186)
    122. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
    123. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
    124. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO ... 19 more
    125. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.block.BlockState
    126. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.getCommonSuperClass(Unknown Source)
    127. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.a(Unknown Source)
    128. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.Frame.a(Unknown Source)
    129. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.Frame.a(Unknown Source)
    130. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.MethodWriter.visitMaxs(Unknown Source)
    131. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode.accept(Unknown Source)
    132. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode.accept(Unknown Source)
    133. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode.accept(Unknown Source)
    134. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at powercrystals.core.asm.PCCASMTransformer.writeWorld(PCCASMTransformer.java:99)
    135. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at powercrystals.core.asm.PCCASMTransformer.transform(PCCASMTransformer.java:58)
    136. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.runTransformers(LaunchClassLoader.java:274)
    137. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:172)
    138. 27.11 15:10:17 [Server] INFO ... 21 more
    139. 27.11 15:10:17 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
    140. 27.11 15:10:17 [Multicraft] Not restarting crashed server.
    141. 27.11 15:10:17 [Multicraft] Looks like a crash, check the server console. Return value: 1
    142. 27.11 15:10:17 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  2. I want to get a tekkit server but I don't want to spend the money renting it. I have this RPi sitting around not doing anything so I thought setting a server up on it might be a good idea. I was wondering, though, how many players could I have on this server given the specs of the RPi Model B? Could Tekkit main run with 12 players on it? I have Verizon Fios 80Mbps download and 80Mbps upload speed. Should that connection be able to sustain a 12 player Tekkit main server?

  3. I have a Reactor Cell set up below my base. It is in the middle of a 3x3x1 hole filled with water. One block to the right and two blocks down from the reactor cell is a sticky piston and above the piston is a control rod. One block in front of the reactor cell is a thermometer which is connected to the piston with redstone. The block below the reactor cell is a wooden fluid transport pipe connected to a void fluid transport pipe and a redstone engine is connected to the wooden pipe with a redstone torch next to the engine. One block above the 3x3x1 hole filled with water are 9 electric turbines. I clicked the middle turbine with a BC wrench to make one big turbine. Then I connected the turbine to my redstone energy cell with leadstone energy conduits.

    All was working fine until two days ago. The turbine stopped spinning. I checked the temp of the reactor cell and it was way overheated but it didn't blow up. I took the fissile fuel rod out, removed the reactor cell and replaced it along with the fuel rod. After replacing the turbine and clicking it with the wrench again, the turbine won't start spinning again. I have to completely restart the server for it to start spinning again.

    Is there any way to fix this so I don't have to restart the server? Or is this just a bug that needs to be fixed by the Atomic Science devs?  I am using Tekkit Main 1.2.9g.


  4. I am trying to set up an infinite lava farm in the nether to send lava to my geothermal generator in the Overworld. I am using two ender chests: one in the overworld and one in the nether. both use the same color combo. I have a dimensional anchor in the nether right next to the ender chest there. When I am in the nether, the chest shows that it has one lava bucket in it. When I am in the Overworld, the chest has nothing. I am in a multiplayer server, so the anchor should keep the enderchest loaded, right? What could be the problem?

  5. I am trying to make Framed Insulated Wire, which requires Oak Wood Strips.  I've spent hours googling this but the most I have found is how to make Oak Wood Cover Strips, which won't craft the Framed Insulated Wire.  When I click on Oak Wood Strips in the crafting area of the Framed Insulated Wires, no recipe for Oak Wood Strip comes up.... I am quite puzzled over this... Can anyone help?

  6. I am currently working on building an elevator using the RedStoneInMotion mod.  My problem is that I cannot craft the Framed Insulated Wires, shown in the video below.  It requires Oak Wood Strips.  To make Oak Wood Strips, I need a handsaw, which is not available in Tekkit Main.  Is there an alternative to the Framed Insulated Wires and the Framed Bundled Cable that I could use that would work with the design in the video?


  7. I am somewhat new to Big Dig.  What is the best way to electrically connect thermal expansion items to mine factory reloaded items?  I have a magmatic engine which is full of lava and producing power but none of my MFR machines are recieving power.  I use golden conductive pipes right now to connect them.  Any ideas?

  8. I've been experimenting with the Atomic Science mod in a creative single player world.  I've got four Reactor Cells right next to each other in a block stacked very high on top of one another.  The bottom cells are of course surrounded by water, which goes to the steam funnels above them.  I then channel the steam with Fluiducts to Electric Turbines.  I have wooden fluid pipes hooked up to the bottoms of the cells with redstone engines to pump the toxic waste out into tanks(also stacked very high, 8 stacks).  


    I made a backup of my world before I started the cells so in case something went wrong, I wouldn't have to rebuild everything.  However, after about 15 minutes of running all four stacks of Reactor Cells, the toxic waste overflows, even though the meter says it's empty.  The waste appears to not be overflowing from the bottom cell, but from the ones above it.


    Could someone help me figure out what's going wrong?  It would be greatly appreciated!


    PS:  The coordinates of my powerplant are 


    X: 374

    Y: 123

    Z: -1073


    My world: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qa1d7s65a0amo6b/Creative%20WOrld.zip

  9. So I've got my cow farm up and running, however, I've run into an issue with it.  The grinder kills them too quickly and all my cows are gone by the time the breeder has done it's job... Does anyone know of any work-arounds to solve this problem?

  10. So I have been having many problems with my tekkit server.  Recently, the server wasn't starting at all because of problems with the Dimensional Doors mod, but now I'm getting an error that says "BuildCraft version check failed".  The server starts up fine and I can connect to it, but now none of my tekkit items are showing up on the world file or in player inventories... Even all of the Iron Chests are gone.  I don't know if those problems are related to that error or not, but maybe you do.  I made sure that my BC is up to date.  Anyone know what could cause that error?


    Update:  SO before the server started experiencing all of these issues, we had built a bunch of tekkit items(quarries, power plants, etc), but now that I reinstalled everything, those items aren't there.  However, I tested the BC, etc, items by spawning them in and placing them and that worked fine.  Is there anything I can do to get everything from before the crash back on the world?  I think my friend has the world file saved from before the crash, but will that change anything?  When I reinstalled everything, I kept the world file intact.  



    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Stopping server
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Saving players
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Saving worlds
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [sTDERR] java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketAccept(Native Method)
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.accept(Unknown Source)
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept(Unknown Source)
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.net.ServerSocket.accept(Unknown Source)
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.server.ServerListenThread.run(ServerListenThread.java:80)
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Closing listening thread
    2014-04-25 18:53:06 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
    2014-04-25 18:53:07 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Unloading dimension 0
    2014-04-25 18:53:07 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Unloading dimension -1
    2014-04-25 18:53:07 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -28
    2014-04-25 18:53:07 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -29
    2014-04-25 18:53:07 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Stopping server
    2014-04-25 18:53:07 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Saving players
    2014-04-25 18:53:07 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Saving worlds
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] LP Integration Enabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] GregTech Integration Disabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Mine Factory Reloaded Integration Enabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Better Storage Integration Disabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Universal Electricity Integration Disabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] IC Integration Disabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Mekanism Integration Disabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Forestry Integration Disabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] MystCraft Integration Enabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] TE Integration Enabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [Calclavia] Generating Automatic Configs
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for advancedAlloy
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for carbonPlate
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for electronicCircuit
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for advancedCircuit
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for iridiumPlate
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for energyCrystal
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for reBattery
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for batBox
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for wrench
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for generator
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ThermalExpansion] ComptuerCraft Plugin Enabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:35 [iNFO] [ThermalExpansion] MineFactoryReloaded Plugin Enabled.
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Mystcraft] Symbol Biome23 is turned off by blacklist.
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [WARNING] [OpenMods] openperipheral.adapter.AdapterManager.registerPeripherals(AdapterManager.java:114): TE with id IronChest.WOOD has null key
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [OpenMods] openperipheral.adapter.AdapterManager.registerPeripherals(AdapterManager.java:149): Registering peripheral handler for 215 classes (providers: 1, adapters: 214))
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] While registering space station recipe, found 4 type(s) of ingotTin
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] While registering space station recipe, found 1 type(s) of waferAdvanced
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [WARNING] [buildcraft] Unable to read from remote version authority.
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [WARNING] [buildcraft] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38558957/Minecraft/Buildcraft/version.txt
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [buildcraft] Version check attempt 2 failed, trying again in 10 seconds
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Forestry DummyProxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded IC2 DummyProxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded CCTurtleProxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Thaumcraft DummyProxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded ThermalExpansion Proxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded BetterStorage DummyProxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded NotEnoughItems Proxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Modular Powersuits Proxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Factorization DummyProxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded BetterSign DummyProxy
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.AEInterfaceInventoryHandler
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.DSUInventoryHandler
    2014-04-25 18:53:36 [iNFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialTankHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialtankhandler.BuildCraftTankHandler
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [WARNING] [MachineMuse] [sERVER] Failed to get MFFS item!
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [WARNING] [NEIPlugins] Error while calling init() for plugin "FuelListFix (1.0.1)": net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [TreeCapitator] Prioritizing User and IMC mod configs...
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [TreeCapitator] Getting tag replacements from configs...
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [TreeCapitator] Registering items and trees...
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [TreeCapitator] Scanning Ore Dictionary for unregistered tree blocks...
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [TreeCapitator] Ore Dictionary processing complete.
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [ThermalExpansion] 'Crucible.Netherrack.Energy' config value is out of acceptable range. Using default.
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [ThermalExpansion] 'Crucible.BlazeRod.Energy' config value is out of acceptable range. Using default.
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [ThermalExpansion] Load Complete.
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 104 mods
    2014-04-25 18:53:37 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing level "world"
    2014-04-25 18:53:38 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@5837328f)
    2014-04-25 18:53:38 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension -100 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@5837328f)
    2014-04-25 18:53:38 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 1 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@5837328f)
    2014-04-25 18:53:38 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension -1 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@5837328f)
    2014-04-25 18:53:38 [iNFO] [Project Red] Created Retrogen database for dimension 0
    2014-04-25 18:53:39 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing start region for level 0
    2014-04-25 18:53:40 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityRift
    2014-04-25 18:53:40 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing spawn area: 77%
    2014-04-25 18:53:40 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Done (2.665s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2014-04-25 18:53:40 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Starting GS4 status listener
    2014-04-25 18:53:40 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] Query running on
    2014-04-25 18:53:40 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Registered Dimension: -28
    2014-04-25 18:53:40 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Registered Dimension: -29
    2014-04-25 18:53:41 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] Loading NEI
    2014-04-25 18:53:41 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityDimDoor
    2014-04-25 18:53:41 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityDimDoor
    2014-04-25 18:53:41 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] computercraft: Searching for RedPowerWorld...
    2014-04-25 18:53:41 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] computercraft: RedPowerWorld not found.
    2014-04-25 18:53:42 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: codechicken.enderstorage.storage.item.ContainerEnderItemStorage
    2014-04-25 18:53:43 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityRift
    2014-04-25 18:53:43 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityRift
    2014-04-25 18:53:43 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityRift
    2014-04-25 18:53:44 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityDimDoor
    2014-04-25 18:53:44 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Skipping TileEntity with id TileEntityDimDoor
    2014-04-25 18:53:44 [iNFO] [Project Red] Created Retrogen database for dimension -1
    2014-04-25 18:53:48 [sEVERE] [Galacticraft] New Galacticraft version available! v2.0.12 http://micdoodle8.com/
    2014-04-25 18:53:48 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Galacticraft remote version found: 2.0.12
    2014-04-25 18:53:48 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer
    2014-04-25 18:53:49 [WARNING] [buildcraft] Unable to read from remote version authority.
    2014-04-25 18:53:49 [WARNING] [buildcraft] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38558957/Minecraft/Buildcraft/version.txt
    2014-04-25 18:53:49 [iNFO] [buildcraft] Version check attempt 3 failed, trying again in 10 seconds
    2014-04-25 18:53:49 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] There are 0/20 players online:
    2014-04-25 18:53:49 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] 
    2014-04-25 18:53:49 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2014-04-25 18:53:50 [iNFO] [EE3] DynEmc system initialized after 12009 ms
    2014-04-25 18:53:59 [iNFO] [buildcraft] Version check failed
    2014-04-25 18:54:17 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Unloading dimension 1
    2014-04-25 18:54:17 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Unloading dimension -100
    2014-04-25 19:00:58 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] 


  11. Arrggghh I just spent hours getting the material for my Rending Gale... I finally got it, went exploring with it to find a new location for my house, and the Rending Gale just stopped working. It stopped after about 600m. I had been using a Klein Star Swei as fuel, and it stopped after a while and said the Klein Star had 0 EMC. Then I walked all the way back to my house and realized I could use a Philosopher's Stone to fuel it, so I grabbed that. I went all the way back to my previous location, and I just stopped flying again. Every other feature of the Rending Gale appears to work except the flying. Any ideas?

    PS: The Philosopher's Stone is indeed fully charged.

  12. So, for the last couple of days, I have been trying to build a lava farm in creative mode as an experiment before building it in my survival world. I followed a tutorial on YouTube, and I am somewhat confident that I have everything set up correctly. It appears as though my world anchors are not working. Everything works fine on the overworld end when I'm in the overworld, and vice versa. I have taken a couple of screen shots of each end to see if I messed something up.



    1: Ender Chest

    2: Filter with empty buckets

    3: Filter with lava buckets

    4: Deployer



    1: Ender Chest

    2: Filter with lava buckets

    3: filter with empty buckets

    4: Deployer

    In the overworld, the lava buckets come out but only for a little bit and then stop.

    Anybody have any ideas? This is really bugging me!

  13. So today I realized that I needed to go to the nether to get Glowstone. I built my portal and went through... somehow, the portal spawned in the Nether right over a gigantic lake of lava... it built a one block platform around the portal, so luckily I didn't fall off. I tried destroying a block of my portal in the overworld to see if that would change the spawn in the nether, but that didn't work.

    Is there any way to change the spawn of the nether portal? Or to recreate the whole nether world itself?

    PS: Wasn't sure if I should put this in Tekkit board or in the Vanilla board, but I'm playing Tekkit, so yeah.

  14. I'm having a hell of a time updating my TechnicLauncher Minecraft to v1.5... I want to ride the horsies!!! Anyways, I downloaded the update file from the Mojang website. Copied the new JAR file to the Roaming/.techniclauncher/tekkit/bin folder and renamed it "minecraft". I do have "Use development builds" checked in the launcher options, however, the launcher says that the installation was corrupted when I run Tekkit Classic. It gets set back to 1.2.5. I do not have an option for 1.5 under the Mod pack build selection in the launcher options.

    Any ideas?

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