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Posts posted by GhostMap

  1. IGN(in game name):




    Cyg Velius


    The product of a classic memory loss / botched memory implant routine. As your all-seeing and humble narrator, I can unravel a few threads. Cygnus, is from (for all explanatory purpose), an unnamed planet. It's classified name with a series of incomprehensible letters and numbers and is of no importance. He was part of a finely tuned, accelerated, and controlled experiment. Now, this colony has had no contact with any other space faring entities for a great time. Cyg was part of a society that was equivalent to the ancient Medieval era. He has very little understanding of modern advances. However, he has pronounced adaptive learning abilities.

    Notably, he was deemed insane by his peers. He studied the night skies and formulated blasphemous posits of "other-worldly" beings and challenged the way the cosmos ticked. He worked mostly alone ( although he had amassed some intrigued followers ) until finally, he was completely shunned from his town. He continued to watch the skies until he was one day plucked from them.

    He'd be watched and perhaps toyed with; a play thing for a mysterious rich man with too much time on his hands.

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