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About dizney23

  • Birthday 05/03/1974

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. I want to introduce you to my own custom Modpack. I have used all the base mods that Hexxit uses since I loved Hexxit so much but I added some mods I felt were really missing to give Minecraft that ultimate RPG gameplay I have always been looking for. The real difference between this modpack and any other modpacks are Tales of Kingship, Minefantasy, and the Aether Mod. These are three mods I feel are absolutely essential for a true RPG gameplay experience in Minecraft. Every other RPG modpack that doesnt include these three mods together are only second best and that's why I decided to call this Modpack "The Best RPG Mod Pack Ever." In this series I start with Minefantasy, explaining the basics behind why this mod is so awesome!!! It changes the gameplay in Minecraft so much that I was blown away by how awesome it made the survival experience. You need to see for yourself how Minefantasy was meant to be played. There is much more to this mod that I will explore along with Tales of Kingship, Ars Magica, The Aether Mod and so many others. Hexxit opened my eyes to how awesome an RPG experience can be in Minecraft and I just wanted to take it further, much further!! Please leave some comments and let me know what you guys think. Some of the mods I added: Minefantasy: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1238049-151152-minefantasy-version-181/ Tale of Kingship: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1772795-152forge-tale-of-kingship-beta-version-04-reficule-update/ Aether 2: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1842350-152-alpha-aether-ii-genesis-of-the-void-v103-bug-fixes/ Goblins!: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/747246-152-forge-lan-goblins-v-42-goblins-magical-items-arrows-that-grow-trees-and-more/ Ars Magica by Mithion: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1486184-ars-magica-v552014-updated-august-2/ Ancient Warfare Mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1385622-151-ancient-warfare-catapults-and-siege-enginesforgesmpwipdl/ Witches and More: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1366410-152-witches-and-more-v118b-by-chancebozey-more-bug-fixes-updated-7142013/ Farlanders: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1501583-152spmp-the-farlanders-rebellion-of-the-farlanders-v08b/ Better Storage_0.6.2.23 bspkrsCorev2.09 Minefantasy 1.8.6a_private Damage Indicators v. Addon_Harken Scythe v2.0.0Forge Addon_Hallowed-V2.0.0Forge Addon_NetherEnder_v2.0.0Forge AsgardShield_Core_2.0.4 1.5.2HarkenScythe_v2.1.6FOrge Aether 1.5.2. v1.03 ArmorBar v0.7.1 ArsMagica_5.52.013 Artifice-1.1.12-142 backpack-1.12.13 BackTools 1.5.2v1 BattleTowers Better Dungeous BiblioCraft v1.3.3 BuffBar v0.7.1 Catapult_Mod v0.8.9.137 Beta chestTransporter_1.1.6_Universal DimensionalDoors-1.5.2-3.13.4 Dr.Zharks Mo'Creatures v5.2.3 EnchantingPlus v1.15.4 ExtraBiomesXL v3.13.4 Farlanders Goblins InfernalMobs ironchest Koi 1.10.1 mapwrite-2.0.5 Meteors Mod v2.10.2 MoreBows Mystcraft NEIPlugins NMcCoy-LegendGear obsidiplates OffLawn ProjectZuluComplete v1.0.3.8 Reliquary 1.0.6d RottenFleshtoLeather Ruins SecretRoomsMod v4.6.0.283 SoulShards v1.0.3.6 Tale of Kingship ver 0.4 Thaumcraft 3.0.5h Thaumic Tinkerer v1.0.8 TwilightForest 1.18.1 Wildcaves3-0.4.2 WitchesAndMore zMineTweaker-1.5.2-1.1.2 zzzChococraft
  2. I removed Gregtech before ever starting a world. So does that help?
  3. Does anyone know of a way to convert a world from FTB Mindcrack to Tekkit Lite? I have added the extra mods to Tekkit Lite I am just wondering if there is any patch.txt file out there that someone has already made. Thanks!!
  4. Can you please PM me the link to BWF. I am not interested at all in sharing it. I just want to play it so bad!! Thanks!!!

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  5. Where did you download BWF? I cant download it there is no link. Please help!! Thanks!!

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