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Everything posted by Ajgeek

  1. Our website is currently down but should be up today hopefully if not by friday at least Our donation store is at techluminaltekkit.buycraft.net
  2. I can personally relate to that experience where you donate a large sum money and the server closes that is actually why techluminal tekkit exists and don't worry I would never dream of putting people through the disappointment that i went threw on the old server I played. I cant wait to see you on. You have been added
  3. We look forward to having you, you've been accepted
  4. You have come to the right place. You have been added
  5. Good luck discovering your goals. Have fun you have been added
  6. We are glad to have welcome to TLT you have been whitelisted
  7. I can assure you that this is the right place to learn about tekkit. Welcome to TLT you have been added
  8. Well I hope you have fun you have been whitelisted. I cant wait ot see your factory you have been whitelisted
  9. I wish you good luck with your powerplant all of us here are very friendly and have a no tollerence policy for hatered. You have been whitelisted
  10. If you want to apply for standard user here please answer the following questions Username: What is your experience with tekkit?: Have you ever been banned from a server? if so please explain: What do you plan on doing here at techluminal tekkit?:
  11. Techluminal tekkit was created mainly because one of the servers that I had played for a lot had shut down becasue the owner couldn't afford to run anymore. I missed the other players and I wanted to continue a great server expreience but I couldn't find another server that I had a passion for so I made Techluminal Tekkit. We are infact associated with Techluminal which is a technology and gaming news site. We are Greylisted We prefer that you visit tekkit.techluminal.com to get access to commands and block modification, but if you do greylsit here we require these questions answered. 1. Minecraft Username: 2. What is your experience with Tekkit? 3. Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, please explain. 4. What do you plan on doing in Techluminal Tekkit? Our official Ip adress is mc.techluminal.com but because of DNS problems with our webhositng provider the ping sometimes doesn't have enough time let minecraft say yes the server is online so we recomend you use Techluinal Tekkit wants kind and respectfull players on the server. The current community is small but friendly and we all have together createing a good and memorable tekkit experience. Techluminal Tekkit has limited anti grief, because we try and trust our members although we do give players acess to word guard with no flags and full acess to LWC user commands. Our Plugins include: PermissionsEX Essentials LWC Word Guard World Edit Vault EMCShop Tekkit Customizer Simple Spleef Log Block Multiverse We have a few strait forward rules and if they are broken serious action is discplinary action is taken. We have a no tollerence ploicy for griefing aswell. Rules Include: No Harrasing of server staff No Harrasing of players on the server No chat spamming NO PVP unless both players agree to do so No griefing in any form Staff: ajgeek - Owner kazzdin - Admin erikisakkson97 - Admin goblinfire - Mod ANerdyPotatoguy - Mod daedalus316 - Mod Squirt11798 - Trusted KyteTayami - Trusted Our banned item list is reasonable and by donating 50 USD you can unlock all banned items. The List Consists of: - Black Hole Band: Bypasses anti-grief to remove water in protected areas without permission. - Void Ring: Key ingredient in an item duplication exploit. - Ring of Arcana: Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission. - Watch of Flowing Time: Can be used to sabotage another player’s automated processes by altering speed of components. - Dark Matter Sword: Power attack injures players when PvP is off, and protected animals without permission. – Dark Matter Pickaxe: Bypasses anti-grief to collect ore in protected areas without permission. – Dark Matter Shovel: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. – Dark Matter Hoe: Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission. – Dark Matter Axe: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. – Dark Matter Hammer: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. – Red Matter Pickaxe: Bypasses anti-grief to collect ores in protected areas without permission. – Red Matter Shovel: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. – Red Matter Hoe: Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission. – Red Matter Sword: Power attack injuures players when PvP is off, and protected animals without permission. – Red Matter Axe: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. – Red Matter Hammer: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. – Red Matter Katar: Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission, and may injure players even when PvP is off. – Red Matter Morning Star: Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission, and may injure players even when PvP is off. -Energy Collector MK3: Undermines server economy by generating insane amounts of EMC - Red Matter Furnace: Key ingredient in an item duplication exploit, Can only be destroyed by dark and red matter tools. - Nova Catalyst: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. - Nova Cataclysm: Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission. - Teleport Tether: Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server. - Dimensional Anchor: Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server. - World Anchor: Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server. - Anchor Cart: Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server. - Dark Matter Pedestal: Fills the server log very quickly when activated, potentially running the server out of storage allocation and causing a crash. - Wooden Hammer: The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off. - Stone Hammer: The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off. - Iron Hammer: The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off. - Diamond Hammer: The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off. - Golden Hammer: The power attack injures protected animals without permission, and players even when PvP is off.
  12. Minecraft Username: macb17 Ever banned?: Nope What do you plan to do on this server: Play Tekkit to the best of my abillity Do you have any previouse experiences with tekkit: 1 month of play time I know i have posted on the forum before for other friends but he likes servers that his friends play on so please whitelist him :D
  13. I know i posted for my personal account to get white listed recently but I really love this server and I have a friend who wants to play on a good server like this so based on the information he gave me Minecraft Name: 123Jimmy321 Ever been banned: nope What do you plan to do on this server: Learn how to get good at tekkit while having the help of a real life friend Any previous tekkit experience: nope
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