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Posts posted by lytzhadow

  1. noticed that the servers lagspike when players join/leave and also when new chunks are being generated. moreso on the player leave/join but chunkgen does lag more then it does usualy on other packs. its been suggested that there could be some problem with cacheing and/or data dumping and/or memory leaks. hope this helps the tekkit devs in pinpointing the problem because yeah as is most servers are completely unplayable durring peak hours atm. takes 5 minutes to break a single block IF your lucky enough to even be able to log in.

  2. ok so few different issues. first off dinosaurs are spawning in the tropicraft world (not sure if its a bug or intentional but thought you should know) secondly the movement AI for the koa mobs added by tropicraft seem to have flat out not loaded. they will still do their various tasks (attack mobs fish ect) but just will not move at all aside from players pushing them around. thirdly a minor bug in multiplayer shows the grass blocks as grey for some reason in the tropicraft world. its a very nice modpack and tropicraft is an epic mod so im hoping these things can be fixed soon (especialy the koa issue.)

  3. so basicly almost every tekkit server that i see that isnt whitelisted (and even alot of the whitelisted ones still do this) have mystcraft completely disabled on the premise that it causes lag.


    the reason why most people think it causes lag is because of all the worlds it creates. the thing is mystcraft has a built in world unloader to prevent lag. how this works is when a player enters a mystcraft dimension it loads up the world. as soon as there are no loaded chunks in the world mystcraft unloads the world so that it doesnt hog server memory and cause lag. as such if you disable chunk loaders teleport tethers ect (or make rules against using these things in mystcraft worlds) then mystcraft should cause no more lag then one or two extra small worlds would.

    the reason why im making this informative post is because mystcraft is realy a lovely mod. at the least it prevents your main world from looking like the worlds biggest tornado ran through it then a bunch of ants moved in and decided to make their anthills square (those dirt houses)

    so yeah tekkit server owners if you have read this please stop disabling mystcraft. it just hurts your server if you do.

    *side note: this ONLY applies to mystcraft. as far as i am aware no other mod that generates worlds on a regular basis (IE dimensional doors) has an inbuilt system to unload worlds that are not in use.

    *side note 2: i havent tested this myself yet but if im correct then each descriptive book saves the files to generate its world. as such if you realy start to have a pile of world files then it should be okay to erase all of the world files for mystcraft and it will still generate new worlds using the same paramiters for the books that players still have.

  4. Title: ic2 watermills not working

    Version: 3.1.3

    OS: windows 7 home premium

    Java Version: version 7 update 2

    Description of Problem:

    basicly in singleplayer on tekkit the watermill wont accept a 4th bucket of water and it also isnt putting out any power. ive tested it on technic and on multiplayer tekkit and its running fine on both of those so it seems to only be a ssp tekkit problem. ive also tried redownloading tekkit and that didnt help.

    Error Messages:

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